PAN Mandatory for obtaining DIN, Those Already having too need to Submit PAN by 31st May, 2011
General Circular No.11/2011, New Delhi Dated 07.04.2011
All Regional Directors,
All Registrar of Companies.
Sub : Allotment of Director Identification Number (DIN) under Companies Act, 1956
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has already simplified the process for obtaining DIN online, if the DIN-1 eform has been digitally signed by the practicing Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary or Cost Accountant, verifying the particulars of the applicants given in the application. However, in other cases, where the DIN form is digitally singed by the applicant only, the applications are being disposed off with in one or two days after examination by the Central Government.
2. As another step towards simplification in allotment of DIN, the Ministry is considering to allot all DIN applications online. To examine the DIN-4 eform through the system, it has been decided that following fields in the DIN-1 eform will be mandatory : -‑
i. Name of Applicant
ii. Father’s name of the Applicant
iii. Date of Birth
iv. Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) in case of all Indian Nationals.
v. Passport in case of all Foreign Nationals.
3. At present, the PAN of the applicant is not a mandatory field in DIN eform-1. In order to examine DIN-4 eform through the system and to avoid duplicate DIN, it has been decided that all existing DIN holders who have not furnished their PAN earlier at the time of obtaining DIN, are required to furnish their PAN by filing DIN-4 eform by 31st May, 2011.
Yours faithfully,
J. N. Tikku
Joint Director
Copy to :
- ICAI/ICWAI/ICSI/All Chamber of Commerce with a request to give wide publicity to their members.
- DIN Cell to issue message through e-mail and SMS to all existing DIN holders who have not furnished their PAN earlier at the time of obtaining DIN, are required to furnish their PAN by filing DIN-4 eform by 31st May, 2011.
Govt has made it easy to obtain DIN by Efilling of application through Chartered Accountant Etc. But now I am already facing problems from getting Registration of Pvt Ltd Co., who (C.A.) is delaying by last five months even fees paid by me.