In terms of Regulation 42 (2) of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 as in force, a candidate may apply for “Verification of Marks” in any subject(s) of CS examination within 21 days from the date of declaration of his/her result. The interested candidates can apply for verification of marks either through on-line or off-line mode as per prescribed procedure with requisite fee @ Rs.250/- per subject. The guidelines/information regarding Verification of Marks are available on the website of the Institute at:
The on-line facility for applying for Verification of Marks will be operative from Saturday, the 26th February, 2022 from 00:01 hrs till Friday, the 18th March, 2022 up to 24:00 hrs.
The last date of submitting applications for Verification of Marks is 18th March, 2022.
To optimize the use of on-line mode of payment, candidates are advised to submit their request/s through on-line mode for quicker and hassle-free response.
In case any candidate wishes to apply for Verification of Marks through off-line mode, he/she can download the Application Form available on the website and send the same duly filled in along with the requisite fee through Speed/Registered Post so as the same shall reach the Institute within the prescribed time. The fee can be paid either by way of demand draft favouring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at New Delhi; or in cash at the Regional/Chapter/Noida Office.
The procedure for submitting application for Verification of Marks is given on the website of the Institute under Examination Section at the link given below:
For applying Verification of Marks through on-line mode, the interested candidates can access the following link:
Joint Secretary
Directorate of Examinations