Dear Members,
Thank you for the overwhelming response to the Coop Empanelment Process and completing the process patiently and reposing your trust in WIRC Coop Committee Maharashtra. Kindly note that the last date for completing the Coop Empanelment Process is now 29th May 2017.
Please note that the applying for the empanelment is not important but CORRECTLY APPLYING is very important since we do not want to see the rejection of applications for want of documents or not uploading the documents the way it should have been and at WIRC since our mission is to have 100% eligible auditors on the Coop Panel, the Cooperative Committee MH is supporting you with the mass messages with links, Due Date Alerts and now the Software Updates.
Those who have not yet started can just visit WIRC Coop Section to read the Notification, FAQ and the Advisory on the same and follow the following updates.
Those who have already completed the process are requested to ensure the following before the extended date i.e. 29th May, 2017.
1. Some of the members where constitution change , firm name change etc is there are still facing PAN and M. No error since they must have tried old and new logins. These issues are Not Yet Resolved and hence we have submitted 3rd Representation strongly suggesting date extension and resolution of these software issues on war footing. Kindly send the mail to with screenshots. This will be helpful if at all you have to take up the issue with Grievance Committee if required.
2. The coop Empanelment software issues related to PAN, M. No issues related to constitution changes are reported to be RESOLVED but only for those who have tried to login at one place only and not both the logins. So kindly update the partners details and educational qualification details and complete the process
3. The Firm PAN card and Constitution Certificate is now visible after you attach these documents and press UPLOAD PAN button and UPLOAD CONSTITUTION CERTIFICATE* button and then Save the sheet. So this issue is also taken care.
4. The Self-Declaration is available in Notification as Annexure 3 and needs to be on plain paper and to be signed by all the partners across firm rubber stamp.
5. The SUBMIT Button option is given on all the tabs and now those existing auditors who got the message as Data Saved Successfully earlier and saved the details Now will have to validate each tab by pressing the SUBMIT Button on each tab. This is must for all the existing auditors so kindly login and do this to complete the process as informed to me.
6. It been observed that the Educational qualification certificates are appearing multi fold after saving. Please do not try to delete let it be there. Just ensure that the membership and COP duly self-attested is attached and appearing ignore the multiple attachments as informed to us by the department official.
7. Please Re verify the documents to see that all required documents duly self-attested are attached. The re submission do not change the previous transaction ID and hence do not worry.
8. It’s our sincere request to the members to please re verify the documents and confirm before submitting esp if the process is done with the help of the assistants.
9. Self-attest all the documents as is mentioned in the notification.
10. Complete the process by 29th May 2017.
11. Co-operative Department Helpline No. 022-40293000
Once again thanks for showing interest and patience in this Empanelment. Hope to see the maximum CAs on MH Coop Panel this time.
Thanking you,
CA. Vishnu Agarwal, Chairman – WIRC
CA. Shilpa Shinagare, Chairperson – Co-operative (MH) Committee of WIRC