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Income Tax : Understand the revised 2% TDS rate on rent from Oct 1, 2024. Learn the correct rate, avoid overpayments, and claim refunds for exc...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court rules on tax evasion by Buniyad Chemicals, addressing unexplained credits, money laundering, and regulatory acti...
Income Tax : Understand the New Income Tax Bill 2025, key policy changes, structural revisions, and interpretation methods. Learn how these upd...
Income Tax : Article explores effectiveness and influence of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) on FDI flows with particular emphasis within ...
Income Tax : Learn about deductions allowed under Section 57 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, for income from other sources, including family pensi...
Income Tax : CBDT invites stakeholder suggestions on simplifying Income Tax Rules and Forms under the Income Tax Bill, 2025. Submit feedback vi...
Income Tax : India's direct tax collections for FY 2024-25 show a 13.13% net growth, with gross collections up by 16.15% and significant gains ...
Income Tax : CBDT issues clarification on Circular 01/2025, stating it applies only to the Principal Purpose Test in certain DTAAs and does not...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections increased post-rate cuts. No specific tax incentives for MNCs, but new measures aim to support electroni...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to simplify tax laws with no major policy changes. It enhances clarity, reduces ambiguities, and ali...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi affirms PCIT’s order under Section 263, ruling AO’s assessment erroneous & prejudicial to revenue. Key precedents c...
Income Tax : ACIT vs Prashant Prakash Nilawar case where ITAT Mumbai dismissed Rs. 17 Cr addition based on WhatsApp messages without concrete e...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad dismisses ITO's appeal against Sun Gold Capital Ltd due to low tax effect under CBDT Circular 09/2024. Key issues i...
Income Tax : Analysis of ITAT Ahmedabad's ruling in Rakesh Saxena Vs PCIT. The tribunal upheld the revision order, treating VRS benefits as tax...
Income Tax : Madras High Court quashes assessment order citing lack of proper notice and violation of natural justice for a non-resident taxpay...
Income Tax : Guidelines for Assessing Officers on handling high-risk e-Verification cases under the e-Verification Scheme 2021, including steps...
Income Tax : CBDT allows data sharing with Delhi's IT Dept. for social welfare scheme identification under Income Tax Act Section 138. Read the...
Income Tax : CBDT issues FAQs on revised guidelines for compounding offences under Income Tax Act, 1961. Covers filing procedures, fees, compet...
Income Tax : Finance Ministry specifies Power Finance Corporation Ltd.'s ten-year zero coupon bond with Rs. 49,546 discount, for Income-tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Based on my interaction with most of the salaried people, I have gathered an impression that many of the salaried people feel that as the tax has already been deducted by their employer from their salary, they are not required to file any ITR. Likewise most of the retired people, who mainly survive on interest […]
After receiving the tax returns, the tax authorities examines the returns filed and if due to any reason they believe that information submitted by an assesee is wrong or incomplete then the assesee is served with a notice demanding justifications/ penalty or any action as stated by the department in the notice so served. There […]
This paper aims at analysing the tie-breaker test in determining residence in the OECD as prescribed under Article 4(3) and how it is evolved. It analyses the 2017 update to the OECD which prescribes the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP). The paper finally provides a method of properly implementing MAP and how it can be effectively done so through arbitration by choosing the correct method.
Kind reference is invited to ITBA assessment instruction no 9 dated 07.05.2018 in which the process of uploading of manually passed order in ITBA system was described. Vide above instruction it was explained that for doing any work in system, the previous orders should have been passed in system.
Shree Shiv Vankeshawar Educational & Social Welfare Trust Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) Admittedly the assessee has received a donation of INR 16265000/– from 1038 individuals and ld CIT (A) has noted that same is credited to the income and expenditure account of the assessee, However ld AO has noted that same is credited as Corpus […]
Assessee had incurred only office expenditure and no expenditure relating to transportation of goods such as loading, unloading charge etc., has been debited, we are of the considered opinion that the assessee actually engaged himself not in the transportation business, but only facilitating or arranging transportation for various parties and he is a mere lorry booking agent. We, therefore, are of the opinion that the assessee cannot be held as the person responsible for deduction of tax at source and to the facts of the case the provisions under section 194C of the Act have no application.
From ‘date of allotment’ of capital asset, i.e., 15-2-2007 the holding period was more than 36 months on sale of property on 4-8-2010 as such, revenue authorities were not justified in treating the holding period from date of registration of property, i.e., 30-9-2009 and treating it as short-term capital gains, deduction under section 54F was, therefore, allowable.
ACIT Vs Ashwin S. Bhalekar Beamon Chambers (ITAT Mumbai) Claim of the assessee that extinguishment of rights in the capital asset is a transfer of capital asset and capital gains and consequent allowance of claim of deduction under section 54 of the Act. The facts clearly show that the extinguishment of assessee’s right in Flat […]
Article contains E-Tutorial on Form 26QC Correction which includes Important Information for 26QC Correction, Brief steps for 26QC Correction, Description for Requested Status of 26QC Correction, Pictorial guide for 26QC Correction, Procedure for 26QC Correction with E-verify (Internet Banking), Pictorial guide for 26QC Correction with E-Verify (Internet Banking), Pictorial guide for 26QC Correction with DSC […]
Reg. Modification in Approval process for issue of paper refunds and Manual Order Upload functionality in ITBA Assessment Module vide ITBA- Assessment Instruction No. 11. ITBA- ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTION NO. 11 DIRECTORATE OF INCOME TAX (SYSTEM) ARA Center, Ground Floor, E-Z, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi – 110055 F. No. System/ITBA/Instruction/Assessment/177/16-17/ Dated: 18.06.2019 To All Principal Chief Commissioners […]