Notice via email also- MM/JM should adopt a pragmatic and realistic approach while issuing summons. Summons must be properly addressed and sent by post as well as by e-mail address got from the complainant.
So far as the scrap is concerned, the sale proceeds from the scrap may either be shown separately in the Profit and Loss Account or may be deducted from the amount spent by the manufacturing unit on the raw material, which is steel in the case of the respondent-assessee
For the year under consideration the assessee has specifically raised a point before the AO that 97.82% of the investment is in the subsidiary companies and joint venture companies and, therefore, no expenditure was incurred for maintaining the portfolio on these investments
The High Court of Ahmedabad held in the case of Ramilaben Bharatbhai Patel v. Union of India that in exercise of writ jurisdiction, the High Court does not have power to waive or relax the condition of depositing 50% of tax dues by December 31, 2013 under the Service Tax Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme, 2013.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of CIT Vs. Lovely Exports Pvt. Ltd. (supra), has held that if the share application money is received by the assessee company from alleged bogus shareholders whose names are given to the AO then the department is free to proceed to reopen their individual assessment in accordance with law but it cannot be regarded as undisclosed income of the assessee company.
It is a fact that the assessee is not required to prove the source of source of the amount found credited in the accounts of loan creditors as held by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court in the case of Dwarik Dwarikadhish Investment (P.) Ltd. (supra) and CIT vs. Diamond Products Ltd. (supra).
In the present case, the appellant claimed for 730 days of CCL at a stretch to ensure success of her son in the forthcoming secondary/senior examinations (10th/11th standard). It is not in dispute that son was minor below 18 years of age when she applied for CCL.
In a historic move, the Supreme Court on Tuesday granted legal recognition to transgenders as ‘third gender’ as a mandate of social justice in response to writy filed by National Legal Services Authority . The apex court ordered the Centre and the states to recognise transgenders as a class apart from male and female.
The requirements of Form 3CA/Form 3CB require the auditor to give a true and fair view on the accounts of the assessee which can be given only by persons having a high degree of training and competence in accounting. This level of knowledge in accounting is possessed only by chartered accountants acquired by virtue of […]
In order to maintain the quality of tax audit to be conducted by our members. ICAI in the year 1989 imposed a limit on audits to be conducted by a practicing member in any financial year. At that time the limit was specified at 30. The process of fixation of ceiling on the number of […]