Bonus Issue: What is a Bonus Issue: Bonus Issue is an issue of shares at free of cost. Bonus shares are issued in the form like 1:1 means- 1 extra share for 1 holding shares or 1:2 means 1 extra share for 2 holding shares, etc. As per Companies Act, 2013 As per Companies Act, […]
APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS: As per Section 152 sub-section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 every director shall be appointed by the company in the general meeting. Furthermore, every individual who has been appointed as a director on or before the appointment furnish to the company a consent in writing to act as a director in […]
Corporate Social Responsibility or commonly referred as CSR (hereinafter known as CSR Committee) is also called Corporate Citizenship or Corporate Responsibility which focuses on social issues, upliftment and its responsibility towards the society by maximizing the company’s positive impact and minimizing the negative impact on its social and physical environment. To look after the stakeholders […]