Background: Quality control is applied to achieve company’s vision to be a distinguished company. By maintaining a standard quality of packing bags often termed as PP Bags, the company can increase its brand in the market. Further, certain industries such as Cement industries are regulated by BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) norms. The company has […]
Inventory is one of the important area for any business where chances of fraud are more as it’s a department where thefts and damages occur. Having strong controls, proper processes, checklist and regular stock audit is essential for this function. In this article we would learn the basic check points which needs to be checked […]
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has recently issued exposure draft on Standard of Internal Audit (SIA)- 150- ‘Compliance with laws and Regulations’. Here in this article we would briefly understand the Internal Auditor’s Responsibility with regard to Compliance with Laws and Regulations.