"About the founder Mr Manish Gupta is founder of Manish Anil Gupta & Co, A member qualified as chartered accountant from the Institute of chartered accountant of India. Manish Gupta has successfully represented client in form of various tax authority in examinations and appeals. And also having membership in many networking group, one of them prestigious networking group is BNI. He build enduring relationship with clients by providing most cost efficient and highly professional services. He always believe in satisfying our customers with our world-class services to attain maximum customer satisfaction. He has defined his values by the way of excellence, credibility and commitment towards the work he perform which guides us to the road of success. He has been following ethical business principles to underline the true value of our esteemed organization. Advising clients on the entire range of taxation such as direct, indirect, ex-parties, inbound and outbound investment and transfer pricing, he knows all the aspects concerning various laws which you should consider. Their experience in this filed is an advantage to you since we are one of the best legal consultancy services in India."
Central Board of Indirect and Customs had issued a Circular No. 09/2021 – Customs dated May 08, 2021, to restore the facility under Circular No. 17/2020 dated April 3, 2020, namely, ‘Measure to facilitate trade during lockdown period under Section 143AA of the Customs Act, 1962’. Taking cognizance of the difficulties listed by the trade […]