Power of attorney is not an instrument of transfer in regard to any right, title or interest in any immovable property. The power of attorney is a creation of an agency whereby the grantor authorizes the grantee to do acts specified therein, on behalf of grantor, which when executed will be binding on the grantor […]
Trade has reported that they are facing a number of issues in all such transitional cases as system is not processing & allowing the officers to further process such Bills of Entry to next stage.
Various communications were received from the field formations and exporters that difficulties were being faced in complying with the procedure prescribed for making exports of goods and services without payment of integrated tax with respect to furnishing of bonds/Letter of Undertaking.
The Supreme Court directed the central government to initiate process to fill up vacancies in the income Tax Appellate Tribunals within three weeks.
Concepts of GST: Registration and Migration Registration - Who has to register? → Turnover above 10 lakhs / 20 lakhs pa → Inter-state supplier → Required only in the state from where the supply is made → Casual & non resident taxable persons → Persons on whom there is responsibility of paying full tax under […]
An Ordinance to provide for the extension of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. WHEREAS the Integrated Goods and Services Tax has been introduced in the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir with effect from the 22″d day of June, 2017
Air crafts, aircraft engines and other aircraft parts imported into India under a transaction covered by item 1(b) or 5(f) of Schedule II of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
The section 51 of the CGST and MGST Act provides that every department or establishment of the Central Government or the State Government or local authority, or Government Agencies to Deduct Tax at Source
The Central Government’s decision on recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) on Allowances published in Gazette of India yesterday i.e. 6th July, 2017; All allowances are given effect from 1st July 2017; Concerned Ministries advised to issue their Orders on Allowances governed by them immediately so that the revised rates of allowances get reflected in the current month’s Salary Bills of the Government employees
Board has received references regarding the classification of eNodeB which is an LTE equipment used in wireless or cellular networks. A doubt has been expressed whether the said goods are classifiable under CTH 8517 6100 or CTH 8517 6290.