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Leadership Lessons from Football Game

August 16, 2014 3875 Views 0 comment Print

Frankly speaking, we can get to learn leadership lessons and business growth ideas everywhere if we have the eyes looking for it and our heart longing for knowledge and wisdom. Football is world’s most popular game (by view count, fan count and also by player count worldwide). Let’s find out some interesting business leadership lessons […]

Education System for Super Power India

August 6, 2014 2254 Views 0 comment Print

CA Rajesh Pabari The moments of inspiration for this article – It was 9th July, 2014, I was checking my Facebook newsfeeds where I found this status update from a Second Year Junior College student from Mumbai “Our reaction when four lectures of presentation got cancelled…..Wopppppppppieeeeeee *_* I am loving it #dancing………..”. The trigger moment: […]

The business world obsessed about resumes – A foolish act

July 18, 2014 682 Views 0 comment Print

This article is written specifically to warn the business world about an aspect of hiring employees. They need to understand as soon as possible that Hiring people with good resume does not mean hiring good people. I can see around me people who are obsessed about good resume and better writing of covering letters.

A Case Study on Branding and Re-Branding your Business – Hero Moto Corp

July 16, 2014 5750 Views 0 comment Print

I want to present a case study about Branding and Re-Branding businesses. A case of Hero-Honda partnership in India, before and after. When the brand was Hero-Honda, it was selling two wheelers in India like hot cakes.Now, after the demerger of Hero and Honda, both are having their own brand Hero MotoCorp and Honda respectively. […]

Life is a Fun Ride, it’s not a race – “Lifunride”

July 10, 2014 2473 Views 0 comment Print

This article is written for simple reason that we have forgotten to learn from simple events in life, though they are simple events but the lessons that may be learnt from them can be so profound that it can prove to be life changing. Sometimes, it needs only one thought which can change the course of your life and maybe consequently, it may change the course of history. You never know the ultimate impact.

How to prepare for Theory Subjects

July 7, 2014 29459 Views 4 comments Print

Time may change, technology may change, methodology of teaching and training and many other aspects of CA curriculum may change but as far as human brain is concerned, it follows some basic fundamental principles for remembering and recalling the things that has been learnt by an individual. As per my observations, I noticed some terrible […]

How to Prepare for Practical Subjects & Last Few Days Study Tips – For Students

June 16, 2014 17643 Views 4 comments Print

Currently, football world cup 2014 is going on so let me start my article by giving you a simple example. If a football player just watches the football matches of his past performance and performances of the best players in the world, will he be able to perform during the actual matches? I don’t think […]

Change the Culture of Organization to Face the Future of Your Business

June 10, 2014 1719 Views 0 comment Print

The ‘Technolization’ of normal human life has brought about sea change in thinking pattern, living pattern, time allotment pattern, sleeping pattern, family pattern and many more aspects of human life. In this article I have tried to analyze very few aspects of human lives around.

Psychology Behind Google Success Story – “Freechology”

May 30, 2014 1965 Views 0 comment Print

Why this Article? To explain a simple idea of freedom psychology which can take your organization from Good to Great. Success of your organization does not need radical changes in the entire system, success can be created out of simple things and ideas implemented in organized and phased manner. In this article, we will try to look at a simple psychological aspect of human beings and we can definitely create wonders.

Leadership Lessons from Mothers

May 27, 2014 3247 Views 0 comment Print

What we can learn from our mother about leadership? A simple truth to be brought to everyone’s attention is that we are so obsessed with observing the business tycoons and famous people around the world, that we are forgetting the simple lessons to be learnt from our own mother.

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