In this article, An attempt has been made to simplify GST liability on services related to Intellectual Property rights. What is Intellectual Property Right:- The term ‘Intellectual Property Right’ (IPR) has not been defined in GST Law. MF(DR) circular No. B2/8/2004-TRU dated 10-9-2004 states as follows – Intellectual property emerges from application of intellect, which […]
In Shree Nanak Ferro Alloys (P.) Ltd. v. Union of India, it is held by High Court of Jharkhand that interest is not payable by the petitioner where petitioner had inadvertently paid tax under head CGST, instead of IGST, and as such it was not a case of short payment. Facts of the Case:- The […]
What is GST TDS:- TDS stands for Tax deduction at Source. GST TDS (Tax deduction at Source) is different from TDS under Income Tax. The provisions of GST TDS are applicable w.e.f. 01 Oct 2018 (Notification No. 50/2018 dated 13 Sep 2018 ) If a transaction is covered under both GST and Income Tax Act, […]
EXPORT REFUNDS- RIGHTS OF TAXPAYER CANNOT BE SUBJUGATED TO THE INEFFICIENT SOFTWARE SYSTEMS High Court of Delhi, in Vision Distribution (P.) Ltd. Vs Commissioner, State Goods & Services Tax granted refund of tax paid to the exporter who was forced to shell out the tax amount despite availability of unutilised ITC not reflecting in […]
Accumulation of Input Tax Credit takes place when the tax paid on inputs is more than the output tax liability. Such accumulation will have to be carried over to the next financial year till such time as it can be utilised by the registered person for payment of output tax liability. However, the GST Law […]
In this article, an attempt has been made to simplify contents of AAR ruling for GST applicability on sale of TDR/ FSI, received in a specific case. The case is specific as TDR/FSI was received as consideration for surrendering joint rights in land in terms of Development Control Regulations. The said TDR was granted in […]
Pitambra Books Pvt. Ltd. Vs Union of India & Ors. (Delhi High Court); W.P.(C) 627/2020; Dated: 21/01/2020 The Delhi High Court, has stayed the Paragraph 8 of Circular No. 125/44/2019-GST dated 18.11.2019 which stated that Refund Period can’t be spread across Two Financial Years and to be filed in Chronological Order. Introduction :- The petitioner […]
In the matter of, Ideal Movers (P) Ltd Vs state tax Officer (High Court of Madras) it is held that the case would be covered under Para 10 of circular no.10 of 2019 dated 31.05.2019 issued by office of commissioner of commercial taxes , Chennai , where the Commissioner reduces the penalty payable in certain […]
E-Way bill has been integrated with the Vahan System of Transport Department. Vahan System provides a nationwide search over the digitized data of Registered Vehicles. The vehicle number entered in the e-way bill will now be verified with the Vahan System. Initially, there will be an alert message but later on, the portal will not […]
The ‘e-invoicing’ system under GST has been introduced from January 1, 2020 for generating business-to-business (B2B) invoices on a voluntary basis. It will become mandatory w.e.f 01 April 2020 for Registered person whose aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds Rs 100 Crore. E – Invoice is a standard format of the invoice recommended by […]