E-Way bill has been integrated with the Vahan System of Transport Department. Vahan System provides a nationwide search over the digitized data of Registered Vehicles.
The vehicle number entered in the e-way bill will now be verified with the Vahan System. Initially, there will be an alert message but later on, the portal will not allow generating an e-way bill if the vehicle details are not available in Vahan Database System.
Transporters need to check their vehicle number in Vahan system by entering details in the website :- https://vahan.nic.in/nrservices/faces/user/searchstatus.xhtml
Alert Message:- If Vehicle no. is not available in the Vahan system, the person who will prepare the e-way bill will get ‘Alert Message’ about the non-availability of vehicle number in Vahan database.
What need to be done if vehicle No. is not available in Vahan Data Base:- In case, the vehicle number entered in the EWB is not available in Vahan Database, transporters need to check and update the vehicle registration with their concerned Regional Transport Office (RTO), otherwise after some time, this vehicle number will not be allowed for e-way bill generation
Updating vehicle details in the Vahan database: In case, Vehicle number entered in the e-waybill is registered and the system still showing ‘Alert Message’ it is suggested to reach to concerned RTO. Once the vehicle details are updated in the Vahan system, the status in the e-Waybill system will subsequently get updated. Transporter needs to visit RTO with original RC and other documents and get the details updated in the Vahan Database.
Movement of Vehicle with Temporary Registration : If the Vehicle number is with temporary registration and the details are not verified, users need to enter the temporary vehicle number starting with TR in the e-way bill.
Details are available in Vahan Data Base but not appearing in e way Bill Portal : In case details are available in Vahan Data Base but not appearing in E way portal, contact and submit grievances indicating the vehicle number which is there in the Vahan system but not available in the e-way bill portal.