Background With the advancement of web-based facilities, the world is becoming technology driven to a very large extent. Connecting number of people virtually is not an unachievable or cumbersome task anymore.Although, in the past as well, MCA had come up its Circular on “Green initiatives in the Corporate Governance” in the year 2011[1] , providing […]
Article highlights SEBI relaxation related to Eligibility conditions related to Fast Track Rights Issues, Relaxation with respect to Minimum Subscription, Minimum threshold for not filing draft letter of offer and One-time Relaxation on opening of issue.
In the corporate world nowadays, increase in the rate of frauds has generated the need for the companies to analyze the requirements wrt to fraud reportings, in order to be proactive in tightening their internal systems for preventing the same. Keeping in mind the need of the hour, we have prepared a guide to fraud reporting under Companies Act and RBI Regulations in case of NBFCs.
Precedents of issue of debentures in India The requirement of creation of a Debenture Redemption Reserve is unique to India and is globally unheard of. This was inserted in India around the year 1998 in pursuance of recommendation of Committee formed under the chairmanship of Justice D.R. Dhanuka. Apparently, the very motivation for having a […]
Pursuant to Regulation 27(2) of SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘Listing Regulations’), listed entities were required to submit a quarterly compliance report on corporate governance to the Stock Exchange.
MCA, on July 1, 2019, issued Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Second Amendment Rules, 2019 thereby notifying e Form BEN-2 required to be submitted by companies.
CS Ambika Mehrotra Background of the Regulations The strong and decisive steps taken by the Securities and Exchange Board of India with respect to the Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations have been quite a matter of concern for last couple of months. The modifications in the existing SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (‘PIT Regulations’) were […]
MCA in its attempts to streamline compliance requirements under Companies Act, 2013 and in order to remove certain discrepancies therein came up with Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017