High Court of Bombay
In order to reduce the physical presence of lawyers, litigants and Court staff due to outbreak of COVID-19, IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for the information of the Advocates and the parties appearing in-person that, considering the precautionary measures due to outbreak of COVID-19, the Hon’ble The Chief Justice has been pleased to nominate the following Hon’ble Judges to hear the matters physically at the Principal Seat at Bombay, on experimental basis with effect from 1st December 2020 to 10th January 2020 (Excluding Vacation) at 11.00 a.m to 1.30 p.m and 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
On 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th December 2020 and 4th , 5th ,6th and 8th January 2021
Sr. No. |
Present sitting | Assignment | Assignment | E-mail Address |
1 | The Hon’ble The CHIEF JUSTICE AND The Hon’ble Shri Justice G. S. KULKARNI (Court Room No. 46) |
For Admission, hearing and order matters therein: (A) All Civil and Criminal Public Interest Litigations. (B) Civil Writ Petitions relating to the Environmental Issues. (C) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to a challenge to Infrastructure Projects including Railways, Metro, Roads, Bridges, Surface Transport, Water (D) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Educational Institutions (by or against), except those assigned to other Courts. (E) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to Energy and Airports. (F) Civil Writ Petitions against the orders (G) Civil Writ Petitions relating to |
(A) All Public Interest Litigations. (B) Writ Petitions relating to the (C) All Writ Petitions relating to a challenge to Infrastructure Projects (D) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Educational Institutions (by or against), (E) All Writ Petitions relating to Energy (F) Civil Writ Petitions against the orders (G) Writ Petitions relating to Forests. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt1@gmail.com |
For Original Side dbcourt1.os@gmail.com |
On 1st, 3rd ,7th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22nd December 2020 and 4th , 5th and 7th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice A. A. SAYED AND
The Hon’ble Shri. Justice S. P. TAVADE (Court Room No. 49) |
For Admission, hearing and order matters therein: (A) All Civil Writ Petitions up to the year 2017 not assigned to other Courts. (B) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to APMC Act including Election Matters and Caste Scrutiny matters pertaining to Elections. (C) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and all other matters relating to acquisition and requisition of properties. (D) Civil Writ Petitions relating to resettlement of project affected persons. (E) All Civil Work not assigned to other Courts. |
For Admission, hearing and order matters therein: (A) All Writ Petition up to the year 2017 not assigned to other Courts. (B) All Writ Petitions relating to APMC Act including Election Matters and Caste Scrutiny matters pertaining to Elections. (C) Writ Petitions relating to Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and all other matters relating to acquisition and requisition of properties. (D) Writ Petitions relating to resettlement of project affected persons. (E) All Civil Work not assigned to other Courts. |
For Appellate Side dbcourt02@gmail.com
For Original Side dbcourt02.os@gmail.com |
2 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice S. S. SHINDE AND
The Hon’ble Shri Justice M. S. KARNIK (Court Room No. 43) |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Criminal Writ Petitions /Applications for quashing of FIR,C.R., Charge Sheet and order directing investigation under section 156(3) of the Cr. P.C. (B) Confirmation of Death Sentence Cases with connected Appeals. (C) All Applications for Leave to Appeal. (D) All other Criminal work not assigned to other Courts. (E) Criminal Contempt Petitions. (F) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to infrastructure of all Courts in the State of Maharashtra. (G) Writ Petitions relating to Furlough, Parole, Remission and Commutation of Sentence/ Pre-mature release. (H) All Preventive Detention Matters. (I) Habeas Corpus Matters and Criminal References. |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Criminal Contempt Petitions. (B) All Writ Petitions relating to infrastructure of all Courts in Mumbai. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt3@gmail.com For Original Side dbcourt3.os@gmail.com |
3 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice K. K. TATED AND
The Hon’ble Shri Justice N. R. BORKAR (Court Room No. 34) |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All First Appeals. (B) All Family Court Appeals. (C) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to Labour and Service (Including those pertaining to APMC, Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats etc.) including caste claims relating thereto except those assigned to other Court. (D) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Maharashtra Land Revenue Code. |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to Labour and Service (Including those pertaining to APMC, Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats etc.) including caste claims relating there to except those assigned to other Court. (B) Writ Petitions relating to Maharashtra Land Revenue Code. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt04@gmail.com For Original Side dbcourt04.os@gmail.com |
On 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 8th , 9th , 10th , 15th , 16th , 17th , 22nd December 2020 and 5th ,6th and 7th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice P. B. VARALE AND The Hon’ble Shri Justice V. G. BISHT (Court Room No. 40) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Conviction Appeals of even years as well as connected Appeals against Acquittal and Appeals for enhancement of Sentence wherein accused is in Jail and connected Appeals arising out of same judgment and all Applications therein. (B) All Criminal Appeals of even years against conviction wherein the accused are on bail and connected appeals arising out of the same Judgment. (C) All Criminal Appeals of even years against Acquittal (except those assigned to other Court). |
dbcourt6@gmail.com |
On 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 8th , 9th , 10th , 15th , 16th , 17th , 22nd December 2020 and 5th ,6th and 7th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice S. J. KATHA-WALLA
AND The Hon’ble Shri. Justice RIYAZ I. CHAGLA (Court Room No. 20) |
(A) All Civil Writ Petitions Relating to Municipal Corporations, Cantonment areas, (excluding Labour/Service matters) and the matters under Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act, 1966 (M.R.T.P Act) concerning the above areas. (B) Election Matters and Caste Scrutiny matters pertaining to Elections of Municipal Corporations and Cantonments. (C) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Co-operative Societies Acts (Central and State Acts). (D) All Arbitration Appeals pertaining to Division Bench. |
(A)All Civil Writ Petitions Relating to Mumbai Municipal Corporation (excluding Labour /Service matters) and the matters under Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act,1966(M.R.T.P Act) concerning the above areas. (B)Election Matters and Caste Scrutiny matters pertaining to Elections of Mumbai Municipal Corporations. (C) Writ Petitions relating to Co-operative Societies Acts (Central and State Acts). (D) All Appeals (except those assigned to other Court). (E)All Arbitration Appeals pertaining to Division Bench. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt6@gmail.com For Original Side dbcourt6.os@gmail.com |
2 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice UJJAL BHUYAN
AND The Hon’ble Shri Justice ABHAY AHUJA (Court Room No. 24) |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Appeals, Writ Petitions, References and Applications in Maharashtra VAT, Sales Tax, Foreign Trade (Regulation and Development) Act, 1992 including FERA, FEMA. (B) All Appeals, References and Applications under Indirect Taxes under Central Acts. (C) Writ Petitions in indirect tax matters under Central Acts and State Acts (including Excise Duty, Customs Duty and Service tax) (D) Writ Petitions, Appeals and References under Direct Tax Laws. (E) Chartered Accountant References. |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Appeals, Writ Petitions, References and Applications in Maharashtra VAT, Sales Tax, Foreign Trade (Regulation and Development) Act, 1992 including FERA, FEMA. (B) All Appeals, References and Applications under Indirect Taxes under Central Acts. (C) Writ Petitions in Indirect Tax matters under Central Acts and State Acts (including Excise Duty, Customs Duty and Service tax). (D) Writ Petitions, Appeals and References under Direct Tax Laws. (E) Chartered Accountant References. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt7@gmail.com For Original Side dbcourt7.os@gmail.com |
On 1st , 3rd , 8th , 10th , 11th , 15th , 17th , 18th , 22nd December 2020 and 5th , 7th and 8th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Shri. Justice
R. D. DHANUKA AND The Hon’ble Shri Justice MADHAV JAMDAR (Court Room No. 3) |
APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS For admission, hearing and order matters therein :
(A) All Civil Writ Petitions, relating to the Municipal Councils, Zilla Parishads, Nagar Panchayats and Gram Panchayats including Election matters and Caste Scrutiny matters pertaining to Elections (excluding Labour/ Service matters) and the matters relating to Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act, 1966(M.R.T.P Act) concerning above (B) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Judicial Officers and Candidates for the posts of Judicial Officers. (C) Civil Writ Petitions relating to Caste scrutiny committee cases not assigned to other Courts. (D)Civil Writ Petitions from the year 2018 onwards not assigned to other Courts. (E) Writ Petitions relating to Education service matters of teaching and non- teaching staff, including Caste Scrutiny matters except those assigned to other Courts. |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) Writ Petitions relating to Judicial Officers and Candidates for the posts of Judicial Officers. (B) Writ Petitions relating to Caste scrutiny committee cases not assigned to other Courts. (C) All Writ Petitions relating to Education service matters of teaching and non-teaching staff, including Caste Scrutiny matters except those assigned to other Courts. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt08@gmail.com For Original Side dbcourt08.os@gmail.com |
2 | The Hon’ble Shri. Justice
NITIN JAMDAR The Hon’ble Shri. Justice MILIND JADHAV Commercial Appellate Division Bench (Court Room No. 54) |
APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS For admission, hearing and order matters therein :
(A) All Civil Writ Petitions relating to women and children. (B) All Civil Writ Petitions concerning persons with disability. (C) Matters under Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and (D) Matters against orders passed by DRAT under Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institution Act, (E)Appeals under Section 13 of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015.(F) All Civil References. (G) Contempt Appeals.(H) All Letters Patent Appeals. |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Writ Petitions concerning women and children. (B) All Writ Petitions concerning persons with disability. (C) Writ Petitions from the year 2018 onwards not assigned to other Courts. (D) Matters under Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, (E) Matters against orders passed by DRAT under Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institution Act, 1993. (F)Appeals under Section 13 of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015. (G) All Civil References. (H) Contempt Appeals. |
For Appellate Side
dbcourt9@gmail.com For Original Side dbcourt9.os@gmail.com |
3 | The Hon’ble Smt. Justice
S. S. JADHAV The Hon’ble Shri. Justice N. J. JAMADAR (Court Room |
For admission, hearing and order (A) All Criminal Appeals of odd years against Acquittal (except those assigned to other Court). (B) All Conviction Appeals of odd years as well as connected Appeals against Acquittal and Appeals for enhancement of Sentence wherein accused is in Jail and connected Appeals arising out of same judgment and all Applications therein. (C) All Criminal Appeals of odd years against conviction wherein the accused are on bail and connected appeals |
—- | dbcourt10@gmail.com |
On 2nd , 4th , 7th , 9th , 11th , 14th , 16th , 18th , 21st December 2020 and 4th , 6th and 8th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice K. R. SHRIRAM (Court Room No. 16 A) Commercial Division | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission ,hearing and order matters therein : (A) Criminal Appeals against acquittal up to the year 2010(except those assigned to other Courts). |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein:- (A)All Intellectual Property Matters (except assigned to other Court). (B) All Insolvency matters. (C) Official Liquidator’s reports (not assigned to any Other Court), misfeasance summons, complaints under the Companies Act. (D) Company Petitions and Applications (Company matters including Appeals against orders of Company Law Board). (E) Appeals under the Companies Act, except part-heard matters of Other Courts. (F)Administration Suits and Partition Suits. |
For Appellate Side
sbcourt12.as@gmail.com For Original Side sbcourt12.os @gmail.com |
2 | The Hon’ble Smt. Justice REVATI MOHITE- DERE (Court Room No. 19) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order (A) All Criminal Writ Petitions and Criminal Applications u/s 482 of Cr.P.C. (B) All Applications u/s 407 of Cr.P.C. Criminal work of Single Judge not assigned to other Courts. |
—- | sbcourt14.as@gmail.com |
3 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice A. S. GADKARI (Court Room No. 27) |
For admission, hearing and order (A) All Conviction Appeals of even years as well as connected Appeals against Acquittal and Appeals for enhancement of Sentence wherein accused is in Jail and connected Appeals arising out of same judgment and all Applications (B) All Conviction Appeals of even years as well as connected Appeals against Acquittal and Appeals for enhancement of sentence wherein accused is on bail and connected Appeals arising out of same judgment and all Applications All Criminal Appeals of even years against Acquittal (except those assigned to other Court). |
—- | sbcourt15.as@gmail.com |
4 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice NITIN W. SAMBRE (Court Room No. 28) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order (A) All Civil Writ-Petitions and Civil (B) Civil/ Criminal Writ Petitions, Revisions against orders of Family Courts and CJSD Court in Maintenance matters including matters arising from orders under Chapter–IX of Cr. P.C. and against orders of Criminal Courts arising from the said Chapter of Cr. P.C. (C) Civil Writ Petitions, Revisions against orders of Family Courts. |
— | sbcourt16.as@gmail.com |
5 | The Hon’ble Shri. Justice B.P. COLAB AWALLA (Court Room No. 2 ) (Commercial Division) |
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Suits up to the year 2012 (except assigned to other Court). (B) Testamentary Matters. (C) Writ Petitions under Maharashtra Land Revenue Code and Maharashtra Stamp Act. (D) Admiralty Suits and all applications (E) Summary Suits and Undefended Suits. (F) Trust Petitions. |
sbcourt17.os@gmail.com | |
6 | The Hon’ble Shri Justice A. K. MENON (Court Room No. 21) (Commercial Division) | ORIGINAL SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order matters therein : (A) All Suits from the year 2013 onward (except assigned to other Court). (B)All civil matters of Single Judge not specifically assigned to other Courts. (C) Matters pertaining to Land Acquisition. (D) Adoption,Custody and Guardianship matters and Matters arising out of the Guardians And Wards Act and Juvenile Justice Act. (E) All Chamber work and all applications of miscellaneous nature including execution applications and leave petitions under Clause XII of Letters Patent. (F)Matters under Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act and other Matrimonial Suits and matters arising therein. AND SPECIAL COURT MATTERS BE TAKEN UP ON FRIDAY |
sbcourt18.os@gmail.com | |
7 | The Hon’ble Shri. Justice C. V. BHADANG (Court Room No. 9) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order (A) First Appeals of Odd years. (B) Civil Writ Petitions and Civil Revision Applications of odd years against the order of Civil Courts (C) All Civil Miscellaneous (D) Anticipatory Bail Applications and Regular Bail Applications and |
—- | For Appellate Side
sbcourt19.as@gmail.com |
8 | The Hon’ble Smt. Justice ANUJA PRABHU DESSAI (Court Room No. 16 Annex) |
For admission, hearing and order (A) All Civil Writ Petitions not assigned to other Courts. Civil Writ Petitions arising from |
(A) Civil Writ Petitions arising from Industrial/ Labour Laws. |
For Appellate Side sbcourt20.as@gmail.com
For Original Side sbcourt20.os@gmail.com |
9 | The Hon’ble Shri. Justice P. D. NAIK (Court Room No. 17 Annex) |
For admission, hearing and order (A) All Conviction Appeals of odd years as well as connected Appeals against Acquittal and Appeals for enhancement of Sentence wherein accused is in Jail and connected Appeals arising out of same judgment and all Applications (B) All Conviction Appeals of odd years as well as connected Appeals against Acquittal and Appeals for enhancement of sentence wherein accused is on bail and connected Appeals arising out of same judgment and all Applications All Criminal Appeals of odd years against Acquittal (except those assigned to other Court). |
sbcourt21.as@gmail.com |
On 1st , 3rd , 7th , 8th , 10th , 14th , 15th , 17th , 21st , 22nd December 2020, 4th , 5th and 7th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Shri. Justice SANDEEP K. SHINDE (Court Room No.16 B ) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order matters therein :- (A) First Appeals of Even years. (B) All Appeals from Orders. (C) Anticipatory Bail Applications and Regular Bail Applications and Applications for cancellation, relaxation or modification of Bail and all other applications concerning Bail matters, arising from Districts Thane (including Palghar) and Raigad |
sbcourt22.as@gmail.com |
On 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 8th , 9th , 10th , 15th , 16th , 17th , 22nd December 2020, 5th , 6th , and 7th January 2021
1 | The Hon’ble Smt. Justice BHARATI H. DANGRE (Court Room No. 21 Annex) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order matters therein:- (A) Anticipatory Bail Applications and Regular Bail Applications and Applications for cancellation, relaxation or modification of Bail and all other applications concerning Bail matters, arising from Districts Pune,Satara, (B)All Applications for leave to prefer Appeal of odd years. |
sbcourt23.as@gmail.com |
On 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 18th , 22nd December 2020, 5th , 7th and 8th January 2021
The Hon’ble Shri Justice SARANG V. KOTWAL (Court Room No. 30 Annex) | APPELLATE SIDE MATTERS
For admission, hearing and order matters therein :- (A) Anticipatory Bail Applications and Regular Bail Applications and Applications for cancellation, relaxation or modification of Bail and all other applications concerning Bail matters, arising from Greater Mumbai, Dadra & Nagar Haveli at Silvassa, Daman and Diu. (B) All Applications for leave to prefer Appeal of even years. |
sbcourt24.as@gmail.com |
1) In the event of non availability of any Court as also in the event of any Court passing order for not placing the matter before any Court, then the matter be placed before the Court as per Standing Order Notice w.e.f. 31st August 2020 and partial modifications thereto.
2) The Advocates and parties-in-person should follow strictly the instructions in the SOP Annexure-A i.e. SOP for physical hearing published on official website of Bombay High Court.
Dated 27th November 2020
By Order,
(M.W. Chandwani)
Prothonotary & Sr. Master,
High Court, O.S. Bombay.
(V. R. Kachare)
Registrar (Judl-I),
High Court, A.S., Bombay.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for resumption of physical hearing at the Principal Seat, High Court of Bombay with effect from 1st December 2020 :
1) The Courts taking up matters through physical mode will not entertain any matter through virtual mode. Request for virtual hearing of any matter may therefore not be made.
2) The Advocates / Parties-in-person shall mention their matter only by filing Praecipe through e-mail on the designated e-mail ID of the concerned Court.).
3) Mentioning for circulation of the matter will not be allowed in the Court.
4) In case of fresh matter, the Advocate / Party-in-person shall first file the matter with filing department, get stamp/lodging number and then move the Praecipe by mentioning said stamp/lodging number on it and setting out the urgency.
5) In case of mentioning a matter which has been filed after lockdown, the date of filing original papers be mentioned on the Praecipe.
6) The Advocates / Parties-in-person shall forward only the Praecipe for mentioing the matter. They shall not forward soft copy of the matter along with the Praecipe.
7) No Praecipe without mentioning number of the matter will be entertained.
8) The Advocate / Party-in-person shall also serve the Praecipe on the other side.
9) All Praecipes should be sent 48 hours (excluding holidays) in advance before proposed listing of the matter. Praecipes received after stipulated time will not be responded to or will not be placed before the Hon’ble Judge. If, the matter is not listed, it is deemed that the Bench has declined for circulation of the matter.
10) The daily cause list for the Courts hearing matters through physical mode may not exceed 50 cases.
11) The Court working hours will be 11.00 a.m. to 1.30. p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
12) To observe strict norms of social distancing entry into the Court Room for the purpose of attending physical hearings shall stand restricted to :
i) One Advocate per party whose Vakalatnama is on record or who has been duly authorized and whose case is listed for hearing on Board of concerned Court.
ii) Senior Counsel / ongoing counsel engaged by any such Advocate.
iii) Registered clerk only for limited purpose of delivering heavy and bulky case files of such Advocates at the designated point.
iv) Party-in-person, where such party is pursuing the case without any legal assistance.
v) Entry in the Court Room shall be permitted to those Advocates / Party-in-person whose matter is called out for hearing and also for the Advocates whose matter is immediate next subject to availability of space.
vi) Rest of the Advocates may wait outside the Court Room / Bar Room, while maintaining social distancing norms.
vii) The Display Boards shall be functional for their information and convenience.
viii) Strict adherence to social distancing norms inside the Court room shall be followed by all concerned.
13) Advocates should discourage their clients from attending Courts, unless their presence is absolutely required.
14) The following mandatory norms to be followed by all the concerned who are permitted to enter the Court premises / Court Room :
i) Wearing of mask at all times, even during arguments in Courts.
ii) The lawyers appearing in the Court would be required to appear in the usual Court attire.
iii) Adherence to all the directions / guidelines / SOPs / Advisories issued by the Government of India and the State Government in respect of COVID-19 protocol.
(A) Entry and Exit Points :
a) Advocates may be accompanied by maximum one colleague and an authorized clerk, if any, in person with proper proof of identification would be permitted to enter the Court premises from the designated entry point i.e. Gate No.4 (behind HSBC Bank Building). The exit point for them shall be Gate No.3 (University side Gate).
b) The entry and exit for Court staff and police personnel in the Court premises shall be through the Gate No.4 (behind HSBC Bank Building) and Gate No.5 (CTO Building side Gate). The litigants specially permitted shall enter through Gate No.4 (behind HSBC Bank Building) and the exit point for them shall be Gate No.3 (University side Gate).
c) The entry and exit for Registry members and office cars shall be from Gate No.6 (PWD Building).
d) Every person entering the Court premises shall mandatorily wear face mask at all the time and follow the recent SOP issued by MOH/State Government, staff of the court shall use sanitiser and mask as indicated in the health advisories already issued by the MOH/State Government. The social distancing shall be the rule for all movements in the Court Premises including at the entry points.
(a) Physical (i.e. paper based) filings of all categories of Appellate and Original Side matters will be started with effect from 1st December 2020.
(b) A special filing counter has been set up at Ground Floor, Annexe Building.
(c) Filing counter timings shall be 10:00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all working days.
(d) One Advocate/firm/party in person may file a maximum of two matters at a time irrespective of category.
(e) Only proceedings duly signed by the petitioner/plaintiff/applicant and the Advocate concerned, and properly affirmed or notarised with proper court fees challan shall be accepted as per the regular practice of lodging prior to lockdown.
(f) All matters filed in hard copy / physical form will be kept separately in a box for at least 24 hours. Only thereafter the Registry will take up the matters for scrutiny and lodging/filing numbers shall be given to the matters as per the regular procedure. These numbers will be intimated by SMS.
(g) The following mandatory norms to be followed at the time of filing by all the concerned :
i) Wearing of mask all the times.
ii) Maintain Social Distance all the times.
iii) Adherence to all the directions / guidelines / SOPs / Advisories issued by the Government of India and the State Government in respect of COVID-19 Protocol.
By Order,
High Court, Bombay
Date : 27th November, 2020