Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Date: 31-01-2017
Principal CCsIT (CCA) (All stations)
Sub: Regional Publicity for Operation Clean Money – reg
The Central Board of Direct Taxes has today initiated “Operation Clean Money” involving e-verification of large cash deposits during the period 9-11-2016 to 30-12-2016. In order to ensure that the project is given sufficient publicity and wide newspaper & audio-visual media coverage in the regional languages, it is desirable that the Principal Chief Commissioners of Income Tax co-ordinate the coverage in their respective regional languages with the PIB offices at local level.
A copy of Press Release issued in English & Hindi by the CBDT today is enclosed.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully ,
(Meenakshi J Goswami)
Commissioner of Income Tax
(Media and Technical Policy)
Official Spokesperson, CBDT.