F. No. 1(1)/2006/ECS/TA/670
Office of the Controller General of Accounts
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance
Maha Lekha Niyantrak Bhawan, New Delhi
15th December, 2016
Subject: Guidelines for payment of applicable MDR charges on Government dues through Debit/ Credit cards- Incentivizing payments by citizens upto Rs.1 Lakh reg.
In continuation of OM No. 1(1)12006/ECS/TA1669 dated 14th December 2016, it is clarified that the procedure outlined in the OM is applicable to tax, non-tax and other payments upto Rs.1 Lakh to Government of India made by citizens using Debit cards. Accordingly, applicable MDR charges on Debit cards for payment upto Rs.1 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh) shall be absorbed by Government of India in the manner prescribed.
This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.
(Soma Roy Burman)
Joint CGA
Will the Govt. of India come forward and assure its citizens that, it will not allow for a long future to come, the payment companies/card underwriters /bank authorities, etc. to charge any digital transactions. This has to be done through an unambiguous promulgation in the Parliament that anyone who charge the users for digital payment will get suitable punishment. This is required to allay the doubts in the minds of people in the wake of debit cards being charged for holding/payment, once banks forcibly issued them to all and made it popular.