Amendments made by Rajya Sabha to the Government Bill – Agreed to by Lok Sabha on 13.08.2013
*The Companies Bill, 2012.
The motion that the following amendments made by Rajya Sabha in the Bill be taken into consideration was moved by Shri Sachin Pilot.
1. That at page 1, line 1, for the word “Sixty-third” the word “Sixty-fourth” be substituted.CLAUSE 1
2. That at page 1, line 4, for the figure “2012” the figure “2013” be substituted.
3. That at page 241, line 37, for the figure “2011”, the figure “2013” be substituted.
4. That at page 254, line 26, for the figure “2011”, the figure “2013” be substituted.
5. That at page 254, line 33, for the figure “2011”, the figure “2013” be substituted.
8. That at page 265, line 13, for the figure “2011”, the figure “2013” be substituted.
9. That at page 286, line 19, for the figure “2012”, the figure “2013” be substituted.
The motion for consideration was adopted.
The motion that the amendments made by Rajya Sabha in the Bill be agreed to, was moved by Shri Sachin Pilot.
The motion was adopted and the amendments were agreed to.
Source of Amendment – Lok Sabha Bulletion Dated 13th August 2013
Related Post – Download Companies Bill, 2012 as passed in Lok Sabha on 18.12.12