Acceptance of Old prospectus / Registration form for a limited period up to 22nd Feb 2013.
It has come to institute’s notice that some students who had purchased old registration form earlier are coming to institute’s HQ/Regional Council/Chapter to deposit the same now. Please note that as a special case, in the larger interest of student community, such students are allowed to submit the Old Registration forms up to 22nd February, 2013.
( No difference amount of cost of prospectus / or registration form is to be paid by them for the same ). However, this benefit will not be available to the students in case they have any Old Examination Forms with them. They have to use only new examination forms.
After 22nd February, 2013, all the students shall have to purchase new prospectus ( along with registration form ) against the payment of Rs.500/- and submit the same. However, in case any student uses Old Registration Forms/ Downloaded Copies/ Photocopies of Registration Form, they would be required to remit the additional amount of Rs.500/- towards the cost of Registration form.
It is once again clarified that w.e.f. 1st February 2013, only new prospectus ( along with registration form ) should be sold to students on payment of Rs 500/- each. Sale of old prospectus/ or loose registration form has been discontinued.