Filling of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account by companies in Non-XBRL for accounting year commencing on or after 1-4-2011 – Due date for filing of e-form 23AC and 23ACA (non-XBRL) is extended up to 15-10-2012
General Circular No. 28/2012, dated 3-9-2012
Reference: General Circular No.21/2012 vide File No.l7/160/2012-CL-V, dated 2-8-2012
This Ministry had issued General Circular No. 21/2012, dated 2-8-2012 for extending time for filing e-form 23AC and 23ACA (non-XBRL) as per revised Schedule VI without any additional fees/penalty up to 15-9-2012 or within 30 days from the date of their AGM, which ever later. It is to inform you that with approval of competent authority, the filing of e-form 23AC and 23ACA (non-XBRL), is now extended up to 15-10-2012 or within 30 days from the date of AGM, which ever is later.