The Technical Cell of National Task Force constituted by the Institute has approved the release of the Exposure Draft of Guidance Note on Maintenance of Cost Accounting Records.
The proposed Guidance Note may be modified in light of comments/ suggestions received before being issued as Guidance Note in the final form.
Please submit your views/ comments/ suggestions on the proposed Exposure Draft on Guidance Note on Maintenance of Cost Accounting Records, preferably by email, latest by 22nd March, 2012.
Comments should be addressed to:
J.K. Budhiraja,
Director (Professional Development) &
Secretary, Professional Development Committee,
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India,
CMA Bhawan, 3rd Floor,
3, Lodhi Road, Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 110003
Email response should be sent to: or
CWA Word used in heading is incorrect. W stands for works which is out from the name of the Institute ICWAI w.e.f. 01/02/2012and new name is ICAI.
CMA Suresh Pimple