Learn the crucial steps to establish and maintain a correct accounting process in your company. From clear policies to ongoing monitoring, ensure accuracy and compliance.
Every year the government brings out and/or make provisions for introduction, amendment , deletion etc. of laws which are necessary under the circumstances then obtaining. In addition, certain explanations / clarifications /provisos are also inserted/ modified /deleted. Many a times it becomes difficult to understand if these changes of law would operate prospectively or retrospectively.
Discover the step-by-step process for public inspection under the Companies Act, 2013. Learn how to access and view public documents of registered companies or LLPs on the MCA Portal.
In case of Foreign Direct Investment, the valuation of equity instruments should be done as per any internationally accepted pricing methodology for valuation on an arm’s length basis duly certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Merchant Banker registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India or a practicing Cost Accountant, in case of an unlisted Indian Company.
ITAT Delhi held that loss claimed arising out of the sham transaction between two associated enterprises (AE) is disallowed.
In this article, we will explore the impact of GST on real estate, its implications for home buyers, and the taxation aspects related to land purchase and property transactions.
ITAT Patna held that as assessee duly complied with the requirement of maintaining the records of the donors in the form of their names and addresses the same cannot be held as anonymous donations and accordingly provisions of section 115BBC of the Income Tax Act are not attracted.
CESTAT Kolkata held that denial of CENVAT Credit to service receiver alleging that invoice is issued by service provider beyond prescribed period is unjustified as obligation of timely issuance of invoice is cast on the service provider and not service receiver.
CESTAT Kolkata held that it was not correct to disallow credit on the strength of invoices issued by unregistered dealer (intermediate supplier), when actual receipt of goods was not disputed.
ITAT Pune held that as enhanced cost of acquisition not substantiated with cogent evidence, the same is not allowable as cost of acquisition of transferred assets.