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Archive: 11 September 2019

Posts in 11 September 2019

CBDT releases MLI synthesised text for India- Serbia and Montenegro tax treaties

September 11, 2019 1074 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT has released the synthesised text for India- Serbia and Montenegro tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications made to the Agreement by MLI. SYNTHESISED TEXT OF THE MULTILATERAL CONVENTION TO IMPLEMENT TAX TREATY RELATED MEASURES TO PREVENT BASE EROSION AND PROFIT SHIFTING AND THE CONVENTION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC […]

Loan Waiver due to one time settlement cannot be termed as revenue receipt

September 11, 2019 2583 Views 0 comment Print

In the given case, Revenue has challenged the order passed by the ITAT. Here issue under consideration is that, whether, waiver off loan on account by the lender on account of one time settlement of loan can be termed as revenue receipt or not?

Additional depreciation cannot be denied to an entity engaged in business of generation and distribution of power

September 11, 2019 1236 Views 0 comment Print

Pr. CIT Vs NTPC Sail Power Co. Pvt. Ltd. (Delhi High Court) Electricity is capable of abstraction, transmission, transfer, delivery, possession, consumption and use like any other movable property. Following the same logic, to deny the benefit of additional depreciation to a generating entity on the basis that electricity is not an ‘article’ or ‘thing’ […]

ITAT allows set-off of Derivative losses against Business Income

September 11, 2019 3222 Views 0 comment Print

Magic Share Traders Ltd Vs ITO (ITAT Ahmedabad) The issue under consideration is whether a company dealing in ‘derivatives’ could be considered as engaged in speculative business as per Section 73 or not? In the present case, the assessee seeks set off of losses arising from derivative losses as non-speculative business losses. The Revenue had […]

Guideline & mode of Disposal of seized/confiscated foreign origin liquor

September 11, 2019 4458 Views 0 comment Print

The officer-in-charge of warehouse shall prepare a list of all the seized /confiscated liquor that have become ripe for disposal and submit it to the Chairman of the concerned Liquor Disposal Committee. The Liquor Disposal Committee shall satisfy itself that the consignments are ripe for disposal, shall endorse necessary documents and thereafter that Committee shall physically examine and verify the lot size, weight and other details of each of the seized/confiscated consignments and record its findings’ in each case.

New GST Return – At a Glance

September 11, 2019 6696 Views 1 comment Print

In the 31st GST Council meeting it was recommended to introduce & implement a New GST Return in a phased manner wef October 2019 to facilitate taxpayers. In the new GST Return System, there shall be three main components Form GST RET- 1 (Main Return) & two annexures (Form GST ANX-1 & Form GST ANX-2) The […]

Assessee cannot offer Interest Income on cash basis when he is following accrual basis

September 11, 2019 8364 Views 0 comment Print

DCIT Vs M/s Delhi Tourism Transportation Corporation Ltd. (ITAT Delhi) The addition was made by the AO on the ground that although the assessee had claimed credit for Tax Deducted at Source (“TDS”, for short) on the interest income from the bank, corresponding interest income was not offered to tax by the assessee during the […]

Re-designation of nomenclature of posts of Member CBDT and revision in their Jurisdiction

September 11, 2019 1470 Views 0 comment Print

Office Order No. 197 of 2019 – Re-designation of the nomenclature of the posts of Member CBDT and revision in their Jurisdiction – reg. F. No.A-35015/7/2012-Ad.VI Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes) North Block. New Delhi, The 11th September. 2019 Office Order No. 197 of 2019 With the […]

Process and Requirement FSSAI Registration / License

September 11, 2019 8571 Views 0 comment Print

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an organization that governs and regulates the food business in India. It has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. It lays down the standards for articles of food and regulates their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure the safety of Food.

Pay interest consequent to delay in filing GST Return, only on net tax liability: HC

September 11, 2019 3090 Views 0 comment Print

High Court of Madras in the matter of Commissioner of CGST v. M/s. Daejung Moparts Pvt. Ltd. [W.A.Nos.2127 and 2151 of 2019] dated 23.07.2019 dismissed the Letter Patent Appeal filed by the department and upheld the order of single bench, whereby assessee was directed to pay interest consequent to delay in filing of Return, only on net tax liability (after deduction of Input Tax Component).

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