Draft Statutory Audit Report Format for F.Y. 2018-19 for Private Limited Companies. Note : The items shown with Red Font are possible alternative reporting based on client circumstances. Kindly apply your judgement and professional skepticism in using the appropriate reporting. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT To The Members of ________________ Private Limited Report on the audit of […]
ANTI -PROFITEERING UNDER GOODS AND SERVICES TAX ACT, 2017 Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 has been implemented in India from 1st July, 2017. The GST is the biggest tax reform witnessed by the Independent India. The GST has sought to consolidate a vide varieties of Central and State Taxes. Goods and Services Tax Act, […]
Sponsorship is not defined anywhere under GST Act , so for a clear & better understanding we need to refer Service Tax Act,1994 in which it was first introduced on 01st May 2006 ( Notification No. 15/2006-S.T., dated 24.04.2006 ) through section 65 (99)(a) of Finance Act, 1994 where it was defined as :-
Shared Economy is essentially an economic model that facilitates sharing of goods and services over an online platform. It may exist in two forms- a commercial model which allows customers and suppliers to get in touch to obtain goods and services ( Uber and Airbnb), and a charity model in which goods and services are provided for free or subscription or people are put directly in touch with the beneficiaries of such a model (Ketto).
It has been decided to require the members of ICAI to also mention the UDIN immediately after the ICAI’s membership number while signing audit reports. This requirement will be in addition to other requirements relating to the auditor’s signature prescribed in the relevant law or regulation and the Standards on Auditing.
Under Income Tax, Form 16 represents the certificate which certifies that TDS has been deposited for the specified transactions. Different types of Form 16 certificates are to be provided for different categories of transactions / payments as detailed hereunder – 1. Form 16 – TDS certificate for salary 2. Form 16A – TDS certificate for […]
Important Information on Resend of Activation Code While registration on TRACES, Taxpayer has to activate their account within 48 hours If Account does NOT activated , previous activation code get expired and a new activation codes and link is required to re- generate by re-registration. If Taxpayer mentioned wrong Email Id and/or Mobile Number taxguru.in […]
Important Information : Aggregated TDS Compliance Report An entity level PAN associated with more than one TAN, for example PAN of the Central Office, Headquarter etc., having more than one TANs for its branches, can review the ‘Aggregated TDS Compliance’ report on a regular basis to improve TDS compliance at Organization level The feature assists […]
Stock market trading can be done by anyone and does not need any specialized training. Shares can be bought from companies after careful research and according to one’s needs. The prices of shares will keep varying on a daily basis due to many reasons and as a trader, one has to monitor the markets continuously. […]