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Archive: 05 September 2018

Posts in 05 September 2018

CIT cannot cancel registration certificate granted U/s. 12A till 01.10.2004

September 5, 2018 702 Views 0 comment Print

Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Gwalior) M.P. Ltd. Vs CIT (Supreme Court of India) The CIT had no express power of cancellation of the registration certificate once granted by him to the assessee under section 12A till 1-10-2004. It is for the reasons that, first, there was no express provision in the Act vesting the CIT […]

Interception of conveyances for inspection of goods in movement, detention, release and confiscation

September 5, 2018 2217 Views 0 comment Print

Section 68 deals with Inspection of goods in movement and Section 129 deals with Detention, Seizure and Release of Goods, beside this section 130 of the Act provides for the confiscation of goods or conveyances and imposition of penalty for the smooth working and to check the evasion concept of eway bill was also introduced for the movement of goods if the value exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.

Ind AS Technical Facilitation Group (ITFG) Clarification Bulletin 16

September 5, 2018 5601 Views 0 comment Print

How will the financial guarantee be accounted for in the separate financial statements of S Ltd.? S Ltd. has accumulated losses and has not paid any dividend in the past. (ii) How would financial guarantee be subsequently measured in the separate financial statements of S Ltd.?

ICAI Election code of conduct for Candidates & their authorized representatives

September 5, 2018 1932 Views 0 comment Print

THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA NEW DELHI ELECTION CODE OF CONDUCT [made under rule 16 of the Chartered Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006] for Compliance by Candidates and their authorized representatives for Election to the Twenty Fourth Council and Twenty Third Regional Councils to be held on 7th and 8th December, 2018. Effective date: The […]

Levy of GST Rate applicable in case of “Neem Seed”

September 5, 2018 14727 Views 0 comment Print

The Neem fruit is known as ‘Nimouli’ in Chhattisgarh and is collected in both fresh and dry forms and is used for making neem oil only, after drying the neem seed. Dry neem fruit is not generally used for trading for horticulture or agro-based commercial purpose i.e. dry neem fruit is not identifiable with seed commercially.

Regulation 134: Elections to ICAI regional councils- CAs Regulations, 1988

September 5, 2018 1077 Views 0 comment Print

Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 [Pertaining to Election to the Regional Councils] [As amended by the Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 effective from 1.8.2012 ] 134. Elections to the regional councils: (1) Subject to the other provisions of these regulations, a member whose name is borne on the Register on the 1st day of April of […]

AAAR modifies ruling on GST on solar power plant Installation

September 5, 2018 6114 Views 0 comment Print

Get insights into the modified ruling by the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling regarding the tax liability on the supply of PV modules in solar power plant contracts.

Chartered Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006

September 5, 2018 2292 Views 1 comment Print

The Election to the ICAI Council shall be held on a date or dates to be determined by the Council, which shall, in any case, not be less than one month before the expiry of the term of the existing Council:

GST leviable on rent paid /payable for premises taken on lease

September 5, 2018 5199 Views 0 comment Print

Gain insights into the upheld ruling by the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling regarding the GST levied on rent paid for premises taken on lease by Tathagat Heart Care Centre.

GST Rate on sale of Flats/Units under Affordable Housing Project

September 5, 2018 7995 Views 0 comment Print

In re Ideal Construction (GST AAR Maharashtra) Question 1.What is the rate of tax to be levied on the sale of Flats/Units to the prospective buyers? And whether registration of project under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is required? Answer :- The rate of tax to be levied is 12% (8% GST after deducting value of […]

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