Thermal power plants have played a vital role in improving the power and economic position in India. In every economy, power is a critical input for its development . Quality of life is measured by per capita power consumption, in developed countries per capita consumption of power is Higher than developing countries ,hence it is said that quality of life is better in developed countries than developed country
Question No. 1: I am restaurant owner and also have supply of some other services worth Rs. 1 lakh. Am I eligible for Composition scheme ? Answer: No. Please refer to Section 10 of CGST Act. Question No. 2: Challan for Job work in farm ITC-04 needs to be filed by 25th of next quarter. […]
Attention of the Exporters, Custom Brokers and all concerned are invited to the Board Circular No. 44/2017-Customs dated 18th November, 2017 and Public Notice No. 145/2017 issued vide F. No. S/12-Gen-82/2015 AM(X) (Part File) dated 10/11/2017.