As we all are aware that there are various ways of raising fund in the company, which may be equity financing, debt financing or by any other issue of securities. The Company apart from the raising of fund by way loans sometimes opts the method of issuing equity shares, preference shares, debentures or any other security, which may or may not be at later stage convertible into shares.
Implementation of Supreme Court Orders in Writ Petition by Swaraj Abhiyan against Union of India and others- Guidelines on Relief Measures by banks in areas affected by Natural Calamities
Please refer to circular DNBS.(PD).CC.No.371/03.05.02/2013-14 dated March 21, 2014, issued by Department of Non-Banking Supervision on Early Recognition of Financial Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution and Fair Recovery for Lenders: Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets in the Economy.
Use of technology by banks has gained further momentum. On the other hand, the number, frequency and impact of cyber incidents / attacks have increased manifold in the recent past, more so in the case of financial sector including banks, underlining the urgent need to put in place a robust cyber security/resilience framework at banks and to ensure adequate cyber-security preparedness among banks on a continuous basis.
Regulation 3 (1) (c) of the Private Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016 requires an applicant to furnish a solvency certificate from a scheduled bank for an amount to be specified by the Principal Commissioner / Commissioner of Customs.
Form 1 is available for e-Filing. To download Form 1, go to Downloads -> Forms (Other than ITR) -> Form1. As per Income Declaration Scheme, 2016, the declaration of undisclosed income is to be filled in Form 1. Form 2 is an acknowledgement issued to the declarant by the jurisdictional Principal Commissioner or Commissioner. Form […]
The following postings / transfers in the grade of Assistant /Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax are, hereby, ordered with immediate effect and until further orders:-
In the said notification, in Serial (i) for the words “Joint Secretary and Legal Adviser” the words “Additional Secretary”, shall be substituted.
The undersigned is directed to say that a need for providing for an appeal to the complainant in allegation of sexual harassment in accordance with the Section 18(1) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal] Rules, 2013 has been examined.
A one-time disclosure scheme i.e Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 for declaration of undisclosed income of any financial year upto 2015-16 was added in Finance Bill 2016. The same is to be brought w.e.f. June 1, 2016 and it is to remain open up to the date1 to be notified by the Central Government in the Official gazette.