(I) Information as is material and appropriate to enable the investors to make an informed decision shall be disclosed in the abridged prospectus. (II) An issuer making a public issue of specified securities shall make the disclosures in the abridged prospectus as per the format specified by the Board from time to time.
The Income-tax Department is committed to the ‘Digital India’ initiative of the Government of India.The Finance Minister today launched an e-Sahyog pilot project which furthers the Department’s commitment to work in an e-environment and reduces the need for the taxpayer to physically appear before tax authorities.
The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the Committee shall be as follows: i) To study and identify the provisions/phrases in the Act which are leading to litigation due to different interpretations; ii) To study and identify the provisions which are impacting the ease of doing business; iii) To study and identify the areas and provisions of the Act for simplification in the light of the existing jurisprudence; iv) To suggest alternatives and modifications to the existing provisions and areas so identified to bring about predictability and certainty in tax laws without substantial impact on the tax base and revenue collection; and
We all know that, were an amount had been collected in the name of Excise Duty/Service Tax, which was collected in excess or was not required to be collected at all, has to be paid to the credit of Central Government. The respective Covering Sections are 11D of Central Excise Act, 1944 & 73A of The Finance Act, 1994. Under both the sections the Central Excise Officers had been provided power to issue Show Cause Notice and there upon determine the amount due after considering the representations made.
M/s Trident Limited vs. The Addl. CIT (ITAT Chandigarh) Assessee company made an investment of Rs. 5038.88 lacs and Rs. 4575.77 Lacs as on 31.03.2006 & 31.03.2007 in various tax free equity funds, from which assessee company gain an dividend of Rs. 46,91,849/-.
The Delhi High Court in case of Teletube Electronics Ltd Vs CIT held that there has to be an extinguishment of ownership rights in order that a Lease transaction can be said to be a ‘sale’. The leasehold right is only for a period of ten years and at the end of that period the leased facilities revert to the owner.
In case of Ram Piyari Devi Charitable Trust Vs. Director General Of Income Tax, Delhi High Court held that in order to claim exemption u/s 10 (23C) (vi) , there should be existence of educational institution and approval of prescribed authority.
The Delhi High Court has held in case of Stitchwell Qualitex (RF) Vs. ITO that Installation of plant and machinery in building would amount to use of the building and therefore assessee is eligible to claim for depreciation u/s 32 on said building .
HDFC Bank Limited vs. DCIT (ITAT Mumbai)- Also the judgment of Biocon Ltd vs. Dy. CIT [2013] 25 ITR (Trib) 602 (Bang) (SB) in which it was held that discount on the issue of shares to employee under the ESOP is an allowed expenditure u/s 37 is binding on us.
Supreme Court in the case of M/s Larsen & Toubro Limited v CCE held that the particular product which has been manufactured by the assessee for captive consumption will only be considered for any kind of exemption if covered by any exemption notification.