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Archive: 28 August 2015

Posts in 28 August 2015

Clarifications on some commonly asked queries pertaining to elected representatives of ICAI and general members of ICAI

August 28, 2015 616 Views 0 comment Print

It is permissible for the elected representatives of the ICAI to reply to the general queries of members on email, mentioning their respective designation(s) held in ICAI at present and/or in past along with their photograph as signature of the email. Likewise, it is also permissible for the general members to reply to the members’ queries on email, along with their photograph as signature of the email.

Reporting requirement under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and Common Reporting Standards

August 28, 2015 1177 Views 0 comment Print

Government of India has notified the amendments to Income Tax Rules (Rules) vide notification dated August 7, 2015 (copy attached) and have added Rule 114F (definitions), 114G (Information to be maintained and reported) and 114H (due diligence requirement) for operationalisation of IGA and CRS.

CA- A Dream for MANY but a Reality for FEW

August 28, 2015 9184 Views 0 comment Print

Ever dreamt of being in the world’s most elite profession? Yes I too did that. Realising your dreams not only needs the wish to achieve them but rather more the efforts & the will you put in to make it yours. We all have highs aims & ambitions in life. We have many hopes attached to our bright future.

CA in Practice Vs. CA in Service

August 28, 2015 138540 Views 12 comments Print

The passing out with flying colors from the institute of Chartered Accountants of India in finals provides us two directions to explore , either to opt for a job in the corporate world and to start a public practice. It’s important to understand that this is a very important period of transition. Whether you are […]

Why Crawl, When You Can Fly

August 28, 2015 2107 Views 0 comment Print

Many a times in life, we define our self-worth based on how people treat us. If someone is bad to us, we wonder if something is wrong with us. Why should something be wrong with us? Can’t something be wrong with the person who treats us that way? If we keep treating ourselves like others do, we will never know that are worth much more than we know, that we are priceless.

There is not concept of deferred revenue expenditure in Income Tax Act, 1961

August 28, 2015 10233 Views 0 comment Print

We find that there is no concept of deferred revenue expenditure under the Income Tax Act except under certain specific, provisions like section 35D. Therefore, unless statutory provision is there to defer the revenue expenditure over a period

Review of policy relating to forfeiture of partly paid-up shares

August 28, 2015 4640 Views 0 comment Print

Forfeiture of shares is a process specified under Table-F (Articles of Association of a Company Limited by Shares) of Schedule I of the Companies Act, 2013. The standard procedure to be followed in case of forfeiture of partly paid-up shares is as follows:

Limits Based Provisions with Consequences on Non-Compliance under Companies Act, 2013

August 28, 2015 1681 Views 0 comment Print

During these days most of the professionals in our stream remains engaged with statutory audits. A part of statutory audit includes due verification of compliance under various laws. With the introduction of the Companies Act, 2013, numerous compliances are made applicable on Companies on the basis of quantum of their paid up share capital, turnover, amount of deposits, loan from financial institutions etc.

Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015

August 28, 2015 2486 Views 0 comment Print

Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, namely Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015

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