Advocate Anandaday Misshra Looking to the ongoing protests and non co-operation movements in the Parliament , the Implementation of Goods & Service Tax (GST) regime in India from 1st April 2016 is in doldrums . Since the factum is that once the GST Bill is passed from Rajya Sabha, it will again take good time to be […]
Competence makes the difference between the success and failure. It performs even in adverse circumstances by making adaptation and taking advantage from the hindrances. This is what emphasized by the Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural selection and the survival of the fittest.’
Unilateral APAs are agreed between Indian taxpayers and the CBDT, without involvement of the tax authorities of the country where the associated enterprise is based. Bilateral APAs include agreements between the tax authorities of the two countries.
Limited Liability Partnership is a partnership where some or all partners have limited liabilities which may depend on the jurisdiction. It is basically the combination of advantageous features of both partnership and company form of organisation. LLP has introduced in India via Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
A company desiring to change its name may do so in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 read with Section 4 of the Act by passing Special Resolution and the name approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) on prescribed application. The power of the Central Government under Section 13(2) to approve change in name has been delegated to Registrar of Companies (ROC).
In the case of Shri Barjinder Singh Bhatti vs. ITO ITAT has held that in absence of not having any evidence or material before him to contradict the report of the Registered Valuer, AO cannot reject valuation report of Registered Valuer.
THE BLACK MONEY (UNDISCLOSED FOREIGN INCOME AND ASSETS) AND IMPOSITION OF TAX ACT, 2015 (referred to here as ‘the Act’) as passed by the Parliament received the assent of the President on the 26th of May 2015. It levies tax on undisclosed assets held abroad by a person who is a resident in India at the rate of 30 percent of the value of such assets, provides for a penalty equal to 90 percent of the value of such asset, and also provides for rigorous imprisonment of three to ten years for wilful attempt to evade tax in relation to a undisclosed foreign income or asset.
Information sought from the Clearing Corporation, in the prescribed format at Annexure A, may henceforth be discontinued from the Stock Exchange Monthly Development Report.
The service tax is leviable on construction of a Public/charitable Educational Society registered under Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) where the main object is to provide education to the general public, at large and status of charitable institution under Section 12AA of Income tax Act, 1961 has been granted. – A letter F. No. […]
In order to promote and maintain sound standards of business Conduct and Corporate Governance, the Board has laid down, and from time to time circulated, the “Code of Conduct” { the Code} of the Company for directors and senior management, compliance of which is an obligation. In terms of the Code, the Board expects the employees to bring to their attention or to that of Senior Management any breach or suspected breach of the Code.