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Archive: 22 March 2011

Posts in 22 March 2011

Legislative Assembly passes Delhi Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act, 2011

March 22, 2011 711 Views 0 comment Print

The Delhi Legislative Assembly on Monday passed by voice vote the Delhi Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act, 2011. The purpose of the ammendment is to give extension for one more year which will be up to March 31st of March next year. Earlier the date for disposing pending appeals was 31st of this month and still more than 7,500 appeals are pending for which the date has been extended.

New bank licences norms after amending Banking Act

March 22, 2011 1337 Views 0 comment Print

Corporates looking to enter the banking business will have wait for some more time, as the government is considering amendment of the Banking Regulation Act and Banking Laws Act before finalising the guidelines for giving new licences. The final guidelines on the new banking licences would be released only after the necessary amendments to the Banking Regulation Act and Banking Laws Act are cleared by Parliament, official sources said.

Service tax on Management, Maintenance or Repair Services for Goods, Equipments or Properties

March 22, 2011 49163 Views 0 comment Print

“Management, Maintenance or Repair” means any service provided by— (i) any person under a contract or an agreement; or (ii) a manufacturer or any person authorised by him, in relation to,— (a) management of properties, whether immovable or not; (b) maintenance or repair of properties, whether immovable or not; or (c) maintenance or repair including reconditioning or restoration, or servicing of any goods, excluding a motor vehicle;

Regarding Monitoring of food import from Japan for radioactive contamination

March 22, 2011 706 Views 0 comment Print

In continuation of the earlier Instruction dated 17th March, 2011 on the subject matter, it is to intimate that following two laboratories have been granted accreditation by FSSAI for testing for radioactive contamination of food items imported from Japan besides BRIT, Navi Mumbai (copy enclosed): Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Road, New Delhi-110007. Monarch Biotech Private Limited, 37A-SIDCO Industrial Estate, Thrumazhisai, Chennai-602107

Benefit of weighted deduction on in-house Research and Development expenditure is allowed from the year in which the taxpayer has filed an application and not when it is approved by DSIR

March 22, 2011 1399 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi High Court in the case of CIT v. Sandan Vikas (India) Ltd. (ITA No. 348 of 2011) (Judgement date: 24 February 2011, Assessment Year: 2005-06) held that the taxpayer was eligible to claim weighted deduction on in-house Research and Development (R&D) expenditure from the year in which the taxpayer made an application to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR). The High Court observed that the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) does not suggest or imply that the cut-off date mentioned in the certificate issued by the DSIR will be the cut-off date for eligibility of weighted deduction on the expenditure incurred on in-house R&D to avail benefit of Section 35(2AB) of the Act.

Payments received for leasing of transponder capacity and bandwidth cannot be taxed as ‘royalty’ under the Section 9(1)(vi) of the Act

March 22, 2011 1083 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi bench of the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (the Tribunal) in the case of Intelsat Corporation (ITA No. 5443/D/2010) (Judgment Date: 4 March 2011, Assessment Year: 2007-08) held that income received by the non-resident taxpayer from leasing of transponder capacity and bandwidth cannot be taxed as ‘royalty’ under the provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act).

Mumbai ITAT rules that transfer of an undertaking under slump exchange is not liable to capital gains tax

March 22, 2011 2146 Views 0 comment Print

Recently, the Mumbai bench of the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (the Tribunal), in the case of Bharat Bijlee Limited v. ACIT (ITA NO. 6410/MUM/2008) (Judgment Date: 11 March 2011, Assessment Year: 2005-06) , held that where a business undertaking is transferred against issue of bonds / shares, the transaction is not a “Slump Sale” as defined under Section 2(42C) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) and therefore provisions of section 50B of the Act relating to computation of capital gains in case of Slump Sale are not applicable to such transfer.

Govt slaps Rs 700 cr fine on telcos for violation of laws

March 22, 2011 771 Views 0 comment Print

Acting tough, the government has imposed fines worth Rs 700 crore on various telecom operators for carrying out illegal and clandestine activities in their services, particularly for non-compliance of the subscriber verification process. The penalty was imposed by Telecom Enforcement , Resource and Monitoring (TERM) Cells till January 2011 on various telecom service providers operating in different licence service areas for non-compliance of subscriber verification guidelines, a Home Ministry report said.

Patel for making CSR spends by private companies mandatory

March 22, 2011 624 Views 0 comment Print

Union Heavy Industries Minister Praful Patel today batted in favour of making CSR (corporate social responsibility) spends mandatory for private companies , saying it is necessary for the upliftment of people. “I think the corporate sector cannot avoid the responsibility of bringing about change in our country and should support initiatives not only of the government but also outside the government,” Patel told reporters here.

Admission to CS Foundation Programme for 10+2 Pass Students

March 22, 2011 1547 Views 0 comment Print

Admission to Company Secretaries (CS) Foundation Programme is on. 10+2 pass/ appearing students seeking admission till 31st March, 2011 will be eligible for Examination in December, 2011. Students of any stream- Arts / Science / Commerce ( excluding Fine Arts ) can pursue the CS FOUNDATION PROGRAMME conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). CS Helpline is available on Telephone No. 011 – 41504444, 45341076 & 45341077 (Delhi) & 0120-4522061, 4522071 & 4522081 (NOIDA).

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