Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
229-A, North Block,
New Delhi,
22nd March, 2011.
All Chief Commissioners of Customs / Customs (Prev.).
All Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise.
All Commissioners of Customs / Customs (Prev.).
All Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise.
All Directors General under CBEC.
Director, Central Revenues Control Laboratory.
Subject: Monitoring of food import from Japan for radioactive contamination –regarding.
Sir / Madam,
In continuation of the earlier Instruction dated 17th March, 2011 on the subject matter, it is to intimate that following two laboratories have been granted accreditation by FSSAI for testing for radioactive contamination of food items imported from Japan besides BRIT, Navi Mumbai (copy enclosed):
1. Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Road, New Delhi-110007.
2. Monarch Biotech Private Limited, 37A-SIDCO Industrial Estate, Thrumazhisai, Chennai-602107
Encl: As above.
Yours faithfully,
(G.S. Sinha)
OSD (Customs)
F.No.450 /22/2011-Cus.IV