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Archive: 13 March 2011

Posts in 13 March 2011

Income Tax dept call Center to Solve taxpayers queries related to Refund, ITR V Status etc

March 13, 2011 9492 Views 0 comment Print

Update on CPC – Call Center To assist taxpayers a call center with 20 agents provides customer service and support for resolution of taxpayers queries. It provides information and updates on the following: 1. Status of receipt of ITR-V at CPC 2. Processing status of e-filed returns 3. Refund issues 4. Any other information related to processing of returns at CPC

Govt releases draft Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 2010

March 13, 2011 1451 Views 0 comment Print

Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act. The draft Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 2010 was hosted on the website of Ministry of Mines (http://mines.nic.in) on 3rd June, 2010. The proposals received from the State Governments with reference to new legislation being framed pursuant to the National Mineral Policy, 2008 are presently under consideration of a Group of Ministers (GoM). Final reaction of the Government will be known on receipt of recommendations of GoM. Since the process involves taking the approval of Parliament, the time by which such legislation would be available cannot be stated.

ICSI Campus Placement at New Delhi on 15th March 2011S

March 13, 2011 411 Views 0 comment Print

The Institute has received overwhelming response from the members and corporates for the Campus Placement scheduled to be held on 15th March 2011 at NIRO of ICSI. The following Companies have already sent their confirmation for participation in the Campus Placement:-

Delegation of powers and functions to Registrars of Companies on selective provisions

March 13, 2011 1258 Views 0 comment Print

the Central Government hereby delegates to the Registrars of Companies, the powers and functions of that Central Government under the following provisions of the said Act, namely:- Section 21, Section 25, Proviso to Sub-section (1) of section 31, Sub-section (1D) of section 108, Section 572 : Provided that the powers and functions under sub-section (1 D) of section 108 shall be exercised and performed either by the Registrar of Companies of the State in which the registered office of the company is situated, or by the Registrar of Companies of the State in which the transferee ordinarily resides.

No new law to deal with illegal immigration- Govt

March 13, 2011 1000 Views 0 comment Print

Admitting that the country was facing a persistent problem of illegal immigration, the government has ruled out a fresh legislation to deal with the issue saying stringent mechanisms were already in place. Under the existing Foreigners’ Act 1946, there is enough provision for identification, detention and deportation of illegal immigrants and thus no new mechanism is required, Minister of State for Home Mullappally Ramachandran told the Lok Sabha on Friday.

Service Tax on ATM operation, maintenance or management services

March 13, 2011 2376 Views 0 comment Print

ATM operation, maintenance or management services-Taxable Service” means any service provided or to be provided to any person, by any other person, in relation to automated teller machine operations, maintenance or management service, in any manner;

Service Tax on Asset Management Services By Individuals

March 13, 2011 2285 Views 0 comment Print

Asset Management Services By Individuals- means any service provided or to be provided to any person, by any other person, except a banking company or a financial institution including a non-banking financial company or any other body corporate or commercial concern referred to in sub-clause (zm), in relation to asset management including portfolio management and all forms of fund management.

Applicability of Custom Duty on Import of Gifts and FAQ on the same

March 13, 2011 1307 Views 0 comment Print

All goods imported into India from abroad is liable to duties of Customs under Section 12 of the Customs Act and also is liable to all the restrictions under the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulations) Act 1992. However, the Government has exempted gifts received from abroad by persons residing in India from the whole of duties of Customs and from restriction under FT (D&R) Act. At present, import of goods upto the value of Rs. 5,000/- is allowed as gift, duty free. This exemption is allowed only for bonafide gifts imported by air or post. For the purpose of calculation of this value of Rs. 5,000/- the air freight or postal charges paid are not added.

Empanelment for the Appointment of Internal Auditors in Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) For The Year 2011-12

March 13, 2011 2471 Views 0 comment Print

Offers are invited for Empanelment for the Appointment of Internal Auditors in Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (ECL) along with its Areas & service units, for the year 2011-12 starting from 1st April, 2011 with a provision to renew the same for another three years.

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