1) The elections to the Central/Regional Councils of our Institute are to be held on 5th December, 2009, in all cities. However, in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, New Delhi, Delhi, Kolkatta, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad the elections will be held on 4th and 5th December, 2009. The polling booths at all places will remain open from 8.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M. on the dates of polling. The Institute has communicated the details about all candidates, addresses of polling booths and other relevant details to each voter. The number of candidates to be elected to Central as well as Regional councils have been increased in the last Election and I was fortunate to head the first Council of 40 members – 32 Elected and 8 Government nominees (other than C.A.).
Reports have been published in a section of media indicating Shri R.Vasudevan as “Acting Chairman, Company Law Board” or “Company Law Board Chief”. This is factually incorrect as he was never the Acting Chairman of the Company Law Board at any point of time after superannuation of Shri S.Balasubramanian, Chairman, Company Law Board on 2.11.2009. In fact, Shri R.Vasudevan happened to be the junior most Member of the Company Law Board, who joined the Board only on 5.8.2009.
(General Management, Personality Development and Communication Skills) A three months’ residential programme on Professional Skills Development has been initiated for the benefit of CA students and newly qualified Chartered Accountants. The programme is being organised for twelve weeks commencing from January 25, 2010. The programme is helping the CA students and newly qualified CAs in imbibing the professional skills required for effective functioning in business organisations and profession. The Programme environment would focus on development of communication skills, personal qualities, interpersonal and teamwork skills, working in a complex and turbulent, problem solving skills and leadership skills. Course Content The programme is divided in six modules covering:
Net direct tax collections during first eight months of the present fiscal (up to November 2009) stood at Rs.1,83,822 crore, up from Rs.1,77,251 crore in the same period last fiscal, registering a growth of 3.71 percent. Growth in Corporate Taxes was 3.17 percent (Rs.1,13,210 crore as against Rs.1,09,735 crore), while Personal Income Tax (including STT, and residual FBT and BCTT) grew at 4.53 percent (Rs.70,262 crore as against Rs.67,215 crore).
email that was widely circulated in the name of the ICAI employees, maligning the Institute, the Council & the President in office. The email had grabbed a lot of attention as the communiqué was floated in the name of the employees and since then the members have been questioning the functioning of the Institute.
‘Distance Learning’ as quoted by Dr. S B Mujumdar, Founder, Symbiosis International University is, “the education of the 21st century. The traditional method of teaching in a classroom called ‘brick & mortar’ education has failed to reach millions of those who are thirsty for getting knowledge in an age marked by “Knowledge Revolution”. Distance Education and Open Learning fulfill this need. Distance learning opens new directions of opportunities to obtain higher education without the constraints of location and time.” This is true considering India’s population and the geographical distances.
Ref.No.IDMD/2479/08.02.033/2009-10 December 4, 2009 – n all the auctions, Government Stock up to 5% of the notified amount of sale will be allotted to the eligible individuals and institutions under the Scheme for Non-competitive Bidding Facility in the Auctions of Government Securities (enclosed with the notifications F. No.4 (1)-W&M/2009, F. No.4 (1)-W&M/2009(i) and F. No.4 (1)-W&M/2009(ii) all dated December 4, 2009). Each bank or PD on the basis of firm orders received from their constituents will submit a single consolidated non-competitive bid on behalf of all its constituents in electronic format on the Negotiated Dealing System (NDS). Allotment under the non-competitive segment to the bank or PD will be at the cut-off price that will emerge in the auction on the basis of the competitive bidding.