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Archive: 04 March 2009

Posts in 04 March 2009

MVAT Notification for mandatory filling of e-returns for all periods from April-2005

March 4, 2009 799 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-rule (5) of Rule 17 and rule 17A of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, the Commissioner of Sales Tax, Maharashtra State hereby provides with effect form the 1st March, 2009. The registered dealers who are,-

CAG to conduct three-phase audit of 80 PSUs including IOC, SAIL

March 4, 2009 603 Views 0 comment Print

In order to prevent a Satyam like accounting fraud in state-run companies, the Comptroller and Auditior General of India (CAG) has decided to conduct three-phase audit of 80 PSUs including blue chip entities like Indian Oil, ONGC and Steel Authority. “A three-phased audit system for about 80 companies for the accounting year 2008-09 has been […]

EC will monitor poll expenses with the help of Income Tax Department

March 4, 2009 307 Views 0 comment Print

Taking a serious note of illegal use of money power by candidates and political parties and violation of expenditure norms, the Election Commission has decided to track such instances closely for follow-up action. The Commission has already issued detailed guidelines on the manner in which accounts are to be maintained and submitted by candidates and […]

Exemptions for Chartered Accountants in Examinations Conducted by Insurance Institute of India : ICAI

March 4, 2009 873 Views 0 comment Print

This is to inform the members that Insurance Institute of India has decided to grant exemptions in the Licentiate, Associateship and Fellowship papers of its course curriculum to the members of our Institute in general and DIRM qualified members in particular. The exemption has been granted to the members of our Institute from the following […]

Govt cannot claim precedence over properties of Sales Tax defaulter: HC

March 4, 2009 849 Views 0 comment Print

The Tamil Nadu government cannot claim precedence over properties of a sales tax defaulter who has secured bank finance unless the Sales Tax Act had a specific Provision creating first charge (first call on Property) in favour of the government, the Madurai bench of the Madras High Court ruled on Monday. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, allowing a writ petition by the Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank

SC ask telcos to move appropriate forum on sales tax issue

March 4, 2009 412 Views 0 comment Print

The Supreme Court on Monday asked the telecom majors Bharti Airtel and Hathway and Datacom Pvt Ltd to move appropriate authority to decide whether transactions related to providing broadband services to subscribers can be treated as “sale of light energy” for levying sales tax. A bench headed by Justice Mr S H Kapadia while setting aside the Karnataka High Court order asked the companies

Tally released ERP Version, Download for Free

March 4, 2009 3282 Views 0 comment Print

In today’s rapidly changing world, it is imperative that businesses leverage on leading-edge technology to optimize their usage of resources and knowledge. Increasing the quality and visibility of business information is the key to boosting bottom lines. To manage the challenges impacting organizations, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is no longer an option, but a necessity! […]

What is a Birth Certificate and Why it is Essential?

March 4, 2009 769 Views 0 comment Print

A Birth Certificate is the most important identity document that makes it possible for anyone in possession of it to benefit from a gamut of services offered by the Indian Government to its citizens. It becomes necessary to obtain a Birth Certificate because it serves to establish the date and fact of one’s birth for […]

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