“Notification No. 1 (RE-00) updates the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, effective from 1st April 2001, incorporating amendments made up to 31st March 2001.”
Explanatory memorandum issued with the Finance Bill, 2001 FINANCE BILL, 2001- PROVISIONS RELATING TO DIRECT TAXES The provisions in Finance Bill, 2001, in the sphere of direct taxes relate to the following matters:- (i) Prescribing the rates of income-tax on incomes liable to tax for the assessment year 2001-2002; the rates at which tax will be deductible at source during the financial year 2001-2002 from interest (including interest on securities), winnings from lotteries or crossword puzzles, winnings from horse races, card games and other categories of income liable to deduction of tax at source under the Income-tax Act
Attention is invited to the entry at Code No. 1001(a) in Table B of Schedule 2 and Sr. No. 12(i) of Appendix –1 to Schedule 2 in the book titled ” ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 1997-2002 ” (incorporating amendments made upto 31st August, 1998) and as amended from time to time specifying the terms and conditions for export of items indicated therein.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Para 4.11 of the Export & Import Policy, 1997-2002, (incorporating amendments made upto 31st March, 2000) and as amended from time to time, the following amendment may be made in the Public Notice No. 28.
The principal notification No. 84/94-Central Excises dated the 11th April, 1994 was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary vide G.S.R 376 (E) dated the 11th April, 1994 and was last amended by notification No. 31/2000-Central Excise dated the 31 st March, 2000 (G.S.R 291 (E) dated the 31 st March, 2000.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002, ( incorporating amendments made upto 31.3.2000 ) and as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade has decided to allocate a quantity of 10,000MTs ( Ten thousand MTs ) of Sugar out of free sale portion of 2000-2001 season’s production for export to Maldives under Articles VIII & IX of the Trade Agreement between Government of Republic of India and the Government of Republic of Maldives for the year 2001.
Public Notice No. 4 (RE-2001) updates India’s export-import policy with new product entries and import/export requirements across sectors like Electronics, Food, and Engineering.
The request for extension alongwith BG shall be filed with the concerned licensing authority on or before 29.06.2001. The licensing authority which originally issued the licence shall be competent to grant extension in export obligation period.
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002 as notified in the Gazette of India extraordinary, Part-II Section – 3 – Sub-section (ii) vide S.O. No. 283(E) dated 31.3.1997, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby notify the following dispensation.
Public Notice No. 1 (RE-2001)/2001 announces the revised Handbook of Procedures for exports and imports, effective from 1st April 2001, under the 1997-2002 policy.