It has been brought to our notice that the present practice of issuing account payee cheques to the refund claimants is cumbersome and it also entails lot of paperwork, including return of cheques due to incomplete address and other clerical errors, leading to considerable delay in realisation of the refund! rebate amounts by the claimants.
It is to bring to the notice of all trade associations and stake holders that concerns have been expressed in various forums regarding the leviability of Service Tax on the remittance of foreign currency in India from overseas.
Modified version of the Service Tax Return (ST3) for the quarter April to June 2012 is now available for uploading to ACES .It is available in ‘DOWNLOADS’ section in offline version only and not online version. In view of the implementation of the Negative List concept in Service Tax with effect from 1st July, 2012
This Trade Notice, before their cases can be considered for grant of import license. E Mails communicating discrepancy have already been sent to above firms.
Trade Notice No. 04/2012 Issue of import license by RAs of DGFT would commence from 17th September 2012 & end on 20th September 2012. In case any applicant/firm is found to have submitted false or erroneous information or have made any misdeclaration / misrepresentation, such applicant / firm, (a) shall forfeit the allocation made in this Trade Notice,
Trade Notice No. 10/2012, It is brought to the notice of all the members of Trade and Industry that large scale evasion of service tax by service providers providing Security Agency Service and Manpower Supply Agency Service have come to light in this Commissionerate where the Service Providers have collected Service Tax from the Service Recipients but they have not deposited the service tax into the account of the Central Government as required under sub-section (1) of section 73A of Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994
Trade Notice 16 dated 18.06.2012. As per this notification, now applicant is required to submit only one address proof and detail of only one major bank account for service tax registration while earlier they were required to submit two address proofs for business address and to submit detail of three major bank accounts.
It has been brought to our notice that some exporters find it convenient to have bales of lesser weight, and also that various bales may contain different quantity of cotton depending on local condition. Thus a bale of cotton may weigh more or less than the exact 170 Kg. A similar clarification was issued last year to Cotton Association of India on 04.02.2011 and this should have settled the issue. For greater clarity the following be noted:
Trade Notice no. 07/ST/2012 A service provider opting for Centralised Registration for the first time for all their branches or converting from single registration(s) to centralised registration under Rule 4(2)(iii) of Service Tax Rules, 1994 shall fill the ST-1 Form online available at After filling the online application, the print-out of the ST-1 application along with the required documents as given in Annexure-I shall be submitted to the office of the jurisdictional Divisional Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Service Tax within 15 days from the date of filing the application online. Failure to do so would lead to rejection of the registration application.
Trade Notice No. 2/2012 Dated the 10th May, 2012 Trade Notice No.1 dated 8th May, 2012 was issued stipulating the procedure that would be adopted for issue of cotton RC’s in addition to that provided in Notification No.113 of 4th May 2012. The following additional points are being stipulated to further streamline the registration process: