Now, in addition to ports/ICDs notified by DGFT from time to time, export of finished leather, Wet Blue and EI Tanned Leather would also be permitted through ICD at Kheda by utilising the facilities regarding drawal of samples and its testing and certification available at the Regional Centre of CLRI at Ahmedabad on call basis.
Public Notice No. 54/2015-2020 The branch office of M/s Indian Industries Association at New Delhi is enlisted under Appendix 2E of FTP, 2015-2020 for issuing Certificate of Origin (Non-Preferential).
Public Notice No. 53/2015-2020 When an IEC holder seeks modification/change of Branch Office/Head Office/Registered Office address in its IEC and which involves a shift in its jurisdictional RA, a request to that effect will have to be made to the new RA to whose jurisdiction the applicant is shifting its Office. A copy of this request with application details is to be submitted to the old RA from where the original IEC was issued.
In suppression of the earlier Public Notice no. 13/2015-2020 dated 22.05.2015, the dates for implementation of Track and Trace system for export of drug formulations alongwith maintaining the Parent-Child relationship in packaging have been extended to 01.04.2016 for non SSI manufactured drugs and to 01.04.2017 for SSI manufactured drugs.
In order to address this anomaly, in exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 read with paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, the entry “Panama” at Serial No.50 under Country Group-C of Table 1 of Appendix 3BMEIS Schedule notified.
Director General of Foreign Trade hereby rescinds the Public Notice No. 30 (RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 16th November, 2012 vide which a list of 62 tradable items had been notified for the Indo – Myanmar Border Trade. Along with the Public Notice No. 30 (RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 16th November, 2012, the Public Notice No.289/92-97 dated 10th April, 1995 and Public Notice No.106 (RE-2008)/2004-2009 dated 7th November, 2008 are also rescinded.
Public Notice No. 49/2015-2020 Quantity of import item at S. No. 10 of SION A1663 has been specified in addition to the value-wise limit already prescribed in S.No. 8 of General Notes for all export product groups.
With this amendment, paragraph 4.76 of the Handbook of Procedures 2015-20 will also cover the procedure to be followed for processing applications for enlistment / authorisation of Laboratories stated in paragraph 4.42 of FTP 2015-20.
Subsequently representations have been received from exporters and trade & industry that such procedure should also be made applicable to exports made beyond 05.2015.
Importer shall maintain a register, as in Appendix-4H (for 3 years period) of items imported under an Authorisation and separately for items imported with actual user condition and its consumption. In respect of particular schemes, such register shall be maintained for specified period.