This File Contains features like retirement reminder, salary computation as per Provident Fund (PF) and ESIC , Attendance Sheet, Employee Details Etc. Master File of employee database
Download Updated Form No. 49A in Excel Format. The form is prepared after considering latest amendments in format of Form No. 49A latest and it is easily fallible. The form is been revised and re-uploaded to the website by us on 15.11.2011 after removing the shortcomings in earlier version. Downloads New Revised Auto PAN CARD […]
Fee Income tax Return Preparation Software/File for Non-Govt Employees for the Financial Year 2011-2012 and Assessment Year 2012-2013
All in one Income Tax Calculator for Financial year 2011-2012 and Assessment Year 2012-2013 – The Calculator have the the following features- 1. It calculate taxable Income and prepare Computation of Income. 2. It Prepares Form 16 Automatically 3. It Prepares and Fills Sahaj (ITR-1) Automatically
Download Form 3CD with annexures, 3CA, 3CB and Caro Report in Excel Format (Updated) – 3CA, 3CB, 3CD, Caro
Download Section 89(1) Automatic Arrears Relief Calculator for West Bengal Govt Employees alongwith Form 10E and its annexures in excel format.
This Number to Word Converter file do not require you to install the Ad-ins or to write any VBA Code. Just Put your Number or Amount and software will convert the same in word.
With this Excel utility we can generate our Form 16 in few minutes without any difficulty, user just have to fill the simple form and data automatically get posted to Form 16. Utility is easy to understand and very simple. Automated Form 16 for Assessment Year 2011-12
Download New ITR- 1 (Sahaj) for the Financial Year 2010-11 or Assessment year 2011-12 with Auto tax Calculation and Acknowledgement
Download Appeal Forms under Customs Act, Central Excise Act, Finance Act (Service Tax) and under Customs Tariff Act 1975 (Anti Dumping Duty). Form No. S.T.-5, Form No. S.T.-6, Form No. S.T.-7, Form No. E.A.-3, Form No. E.A.-4, Form No. E.A.-5, Form No. C.A.-3, Form No. C.A.-4, Form No. C.A.-5