Party wise Reconciliation – While reconciling ITC as per 2A and ITC (B2B) as per books of accounts with the criteria of invoice number only, there are several problems being faced. Firstly, mismatch of invoice number due to minor clerical error in entering the invoice number in books, which led to mismatch of large number […]
2A Convertor – When documents are downloaded from GSTN portal (i.e. 2A), it is not compatible for further analysis/scrutiny. This utility helps in making it compatible, comparable with books and convert in single line item with all credit notes prefixed by minus (-) sign. It is very useful for the person not using any software/tool […]
Offline Utility Tool for GST Refund Error solved Dear GST stakeholders. Here is the solution for error !!! The refund offline utility as downloaded from GST portal showing errors as follows Error 1: Either invalid date or Please enter the Invoice or Doc date in dd-mm-yyyy format Error 2: SI.No with Duplicate Entry in row […]
Copy of Financial Statement (defined under section 2(40) of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) shall be sent to persons as envisaged under Section 136 of the Act. Section 136 also tells about the mode, time limit and other additional compliance related to same. This articles briefly elaborates Section 136 of the Act. Section 136, […]
The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 — introduced in Rajya Sabha; Bill to encourage — ‘two child policy-small family norms‘- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 as a private member bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on February 7 seeking to introduce a Directive Principle in the Constitution with respect to population control measures. As the reason […]
Download Income Tax Calculator for Financial Year 2020-21 in Excel Format / Download Income Tax Calculator for Assessment Year 2021-22 in Excel Format/ Download Income Tax Calculator for FY Year 2020-21 in Excel Format / Download Income Tax Calculator for AY 2021-22 in Excel Format. Q.1 What are the conditions for opting in the Scheme […]
This is an Excel Utility with the help of which one can make simple calculations regarding comparative study of Income Tax as per old regime and income tax as per new regime laid down under budget 2020. User is requested to refer to the yellow colored cells of this utility specifically for giving inputs and […]
With the introduction of recent amendments/filings under Companies Act, 2013 such as MSME-1, DPT 3, BEN-2, etc. the number of compliances even for unlisted Companies have increased manifold, making it imperative to keep track of these compliances and their due dates in a systematic way. Hence for the benefit of all and ensuring timely compliances, […]
Comparative Study of Old and New Regime of Income Tax Slabs- In Budget-2020 proposals, new section 115BAC is proposed to be inserted w.e.f. AY 2021-22. Some of the salient features of which are as under. 1. It is optional. 2. It is for Individual and HUF only. 3. It is subject to other special rates […]
Income Tax Calculator AY 2021-22 (for Comparison under Present/Existing Tax Regime and Proposed New Tax Regime)- Union Budget 2020-21 In Finance Budget 2020, Government has come up with new income tax slab rate for Individual and HUF. This new tax structure is optional as assessee can choose between old or new tax structure whichever is […]