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Notifications ADD

Imposition of Anti Dumping Duty on importation of Diclofenac Sodium

November 21, 2014 543 Views 0 comment Print

the matter of review of anti-dumping duty on import of the subject goods, originating in or exported from the subject country, the designated authority in its final findings

Notification No. 43/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 30.09.2014

September 30, 2014 622 Views 0 comment Print

on the basis of the aforesaid preliminary findings of the designated authority, the Central Government had imposed the provisional anti-dumping duty on the subject goods, originating in or exported from the subject countries vide notification of the

Notification No. 42/2014-Customs (ADD), Dated: 25.09.2014

September 25, 2014 583 Views 0 comment Print

Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph 2, this notification shall remain in force up to and inclusive of the 30th day of August, 2015, unless revoked earlier.”

Notification No. 41/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 18.09.2014

September 18, 2014 1009 Views 0 comment Print

Seeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of sulphur black, originating in or exported from People”s Republic of China, for a period of five years.

Notification No. 40/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 16.09.2014

September 16, 2014 583 Views 0 comment Print

he designated authority in its aforesaid findings, has recommended imposition of provisional anti-dumping duty on the subject goods, originating in or exported from the subject country and imported into India, in order to remove injury to the domestic industry.

Notification No. 39/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 14.08.2014

August 14, 2014 1192 Views 0 comment Print

the designated authority, vide notification No. 15/12/2012- DGAD dated 22nd November, 2012, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I, Section 1, had initiated a review in the matter of continuation of anti-dumping duty on

Seeks to extend the validity of notification No. 119/2010-Customs dated 19.11.2010 for a further period of one year

August 13, 2014 508 Views 0 comment Print

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (5) of section 9A of the Customs Tariff Act and in pursuance of rule 23 of the said rules, the Central Government hereby makes

Notification No. 37/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 08.08.2014

August 8, 2014 616 Views 0 comment Print

Extraordinary, Part I, Section 1, had initiated a review in the matter of continuation of anti-dumping duty on imports of sodium nitrite (hereinafter referred to as subject goods)

Notification No. 36/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 25.07.2014

July 25, 2014 916 Views 0 comment Print

The anti-dumping duty imposed under this notification shall be levied for a period not exceeding six months (unless revoked, amended or superseded earlier) from the date of publication of this notification in the Gazette of India and shall be paid in Indian

Seeks to impose definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Rubber Chemicals originating in or exported from from China PR and Korea

July 24, 2014 562 Views 0 comment Print

there is likelihood of dumping and injury to the domestic industry if the existing duties on the subject goods being imported from the subject countries are allowed to expire and has recommended continuation of the imposition of anti-dumping duty on the subject goods, originating in or exported from subject countries.

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