Finance : Property valuation challenges in financial institutions: reliance on hearsay, credit officer bias, and need for standardized revie...
Corporate Law : Discover the complexities of business valuation and the three key approaches: Asset, Market, and Income. Uncover the art of blendi...
Corporate Law : Valuers face two large shocks in proposed amendment. Get insight into CD's worth with fair value disclosure under CIRP Regulations...
Finance : Avoid these common mistakes related to business valuations and ensure the accuracy and reliability of your valuation process....
Corporate Law : Discover the importance of building the valuation profession in the Indian economy. Learn how valuers contribute to financial syst...
CA, CS, CMA : Following is the Exposure Draft of the ICAI Valuation Standard (ICAI VS) 304 Valuation of Assets in the Extractive Industries issu...
Corporate Law : Valuation is the most fundamental term in finance but is extremely crucial to understand while deriving the value. Also, several e...
CA, CS, CMA : Valuation is an exercise which is unique for every transaction and requires efforts, involvement, application of mind and thought ...
Corporate Law : The happenings around the globe in the recent periods have brought about an accentuated appreciation of the implications of changi...
CA, CS, CMA : This Standard prescribes the basis for: (a) determining and documenting the scope/terms of a valuation engagement, responsibilitie...
Corporate Law : IBBI held that addition to the issue related to valid educational qualification, it is to point out that the applicant does not po...
Corporate Law : Applicant had submitted an application under section 247 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rule 6 (1) of the Companies (Registe...
Excise Duty : The Tribunal has in case of DCW Ltd. v. CCE [2007 (217) ELT 541 (Mad.)] held that “ where onward freight was not includible in t...
Excise Duty : Attention of field formations is invited to Board’s circular No. 813/10/2005-CX dated 25.4.2005 issued from F.No. 6/39/2000- CX1...
Excise Duty : In the aforesaid instructions field formations were directed to decide the cases pertaining to SCNs issued to the Oil companies on...
This Standard prescribes the basis for: (a) determining and documenting the scope/terms of a valuation engagement, responsibilities of the valuer and the client; (b) the extent of analyses and evaluations to be carried out by the valuer; and (c) responsibilities of the valuer while relying on the work of other experts.
Following is the Exposure Draft of the Indian Valuation Standard 103 Valuation Approaches and Methods issued by the Valuation Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, for comments.
Following is the Exposure Draft of Valuation Bases issued by the Valuation Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, for comments.
Following is the Exposure Draft of the Indian Valuation Standard 101 Definitions issued by the Valuation Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, for comments.
You are aware that the ‘Special Valuation Branch was created as institution specialising in investing transactions involving relationship between foreign supplier and importer or those involving other special circumstances surrounding the sale of imported goods, both of which a bearing on the assessable value.
The Tribunal has in case of DCW Ltd. v. CCE [2007 (217) ELT 541 (Mad.)] held that “ where onward freight was not includible in the assessable value of the excisable goods, there was no question of return freight being included in the assessable value, whether or not the return freight was mentioned in the relevant invoices. The principle stated by the Tribunal in the cited decision is squarely applicable in respect of such return freight also”.
Despite being one of the most complex methods of stock valuation, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis gained wide popularity following the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929. Though DCF calculation has been used in some form or other since ancient times, it was formally expressed in modern economic terms for the first time by Mr Irving Fisher in his book “The Theory of Interest” in 1930.
EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation) multiple is often called as Enterprise Multiple since it takes into account entire enterprise irrespective of capital structure. It takes into account a company’s debt and cash levels in addition to its stock price and relates that value to the firm’s cash profitability. It is calculated by using the following formula:
Price-To-Earnings Ratio is one of the simplest and most popular method of valuation which measures the price paid for a single share in comparison to its earnings per share. It is calculated by using the following formula:PE Ratio= Market Value Per Share / Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Whether the capital markets are bearish or bullish, most of the investors generally face a common problem as to when to take position in a particular stock and when to exit so that they can maximize their profits. Investors usually want to know the value of stock that they are going to buy, hold or sell. The value of the stock may be the current value or future value. Every investor likes to buy stock at a cheaper market price and sell at a higher price than its actual value. However, the million dollar question is “How to value a particular stock???” Though, there are several methods of valuation, all of them need valuation of the business of company as a whole.