Income Tax : Check the latest TDS rates for FY 2025-26 (AY 2026-27) on salary, interest, rent, and more. Understand applicable thresholds and d...
Income Tax : Understand the updated TDS rates for FY 2025-26 (AY 2026-27). Comprehensive chart covering salary, interest, dividends, rent, and ...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 increases the TDS threshold for compensation on compulsory acquisition of immovable property under Section 194LA...
Income Tax : Section 194K amendment raises TDS threshold on mutual fund unit income from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 per year, effective April 2025...
Income Tax : Section 194J increases the tax deduction threshold for professional services, technical services, royalty, and sums under section ...
Corporate Law : Article explains TDS Rates for Financial year 2022-23 i.e. Assessment Year 2023-24 under Income Tax Act, 1961. Article contains TD...
Income Tax : Download TDS Rate Chart for Financial Year (F.Y.) 2011-12 /Assessment Year (A.Y.) 2012-13. Download TDS Rate Chart for Financial...
Income Tax : This follows a recommendation from the income tax department that TDS rates should be structured in three slabs of between one and...
Income Tax : Circular No. 8/2013-Income Tax Provisions of TDS on Salary as applicable on Income from Salary for Financial year 2013-14 / Asses...
Download Easy TDS Chart for Financial Year 2010-11 / Assessment year 2011-12
Latest and fully updated TDS Rates / TDS Chart for A.Y. 2011-12 / Financial Year 2010-11 with all the amendments till the date of publication of this article is given below. In Budget 2010 TDS rates has not been changed but cut off amount has been pr
Download tds rate for financial year 2010-11, Download tds rate for Assessment year 2010-11, TDs chart for f.y. 2010-11, tds chart for A.Y. 2011-12, tds changes in budget 2010, tds rates, tds calculator, tds rate for financial year 2010-11, tds rate for Assessment year 2010-11,
As we all aware there were two budgets presented in year 2009. One was interim Budget presented by Finance Minister in Februar 2009 and other one was Final budget Presented by Finance Minister in parliament in July 2009. Normally Final Budget get presendted in parliament in February and Govenment made changes applicable from April. Since budget presented in February was interim budget so in that budget government not made any changes in provisions related to TDS.
TDS Rates • For payment to residents and domestic companies, there will be no surcharge and cess on the basic rate of TDS. This simplifies TDS rates to a great extent. • There are changes in TDS rates for payments to contractors and payment of rent. Those are explained below. TDS on payment to contractors: Section 194C
This follows a recommendation from the income tax department that TDS rates should be structured in three slabs of between one and five per cent for any stream of income. TDS is the final tax payable by an assessee receiving any income as salary, contract fee or dues. It is deducted by the taxpayer while […]
In every case in which tax is to be deducted at the rates in force under the provisions of sections 193, 194, 194A, 194B, 194BB, 194D and 195 of the Income tax Act, the rates for deduction of income-tax at source during the financial year 2008-09 have been specified in Part II of the First […]