Income Tax : Learn about tax benefits for senior and super senior citizens, including deductions on health insurance, medical expenses, interes...
Income Tax : Introduction: The Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) has undergone significant updates following the November 2023 notification ...
Finance : Discover key retirement planning options and strategies, from PPF to NPS. Explore government schemes, mutual funds, bank deposits,...
Income Tax : बुढ़ापा एक सामान्य मानवीय प्रक्रिया है जो मानव ज...
Finance : It’s that time of the year when you need to invest in different investment products to enable tax savings for FY 2021-22 OR else...
Finance : Stay informed about recent updates in small saving schemes post-retirement, including rules for opening accounts and time limits f...
Finance : In the operation of Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme (SCSS), it has been noticed in few cases on the death of the account holder,...
Corporate Law : The Union Cabinet chaired by chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for extending the investment limi...
Finance : At present, premature closure of a Public Provident Fund (PPF) account is permitted on specified grounds on completion of five fin...
Finance : The interest rates of Public Provident Fund (PPF), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS 2004), and ...
Finance : Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes for Q4 of FY 2024-25 will remain unchanged from Q3, effective January 1, 2025....
Finance : The Government of India keeps interest rates unchanged for Small Savings Schemes for Q3 FY 2024-25, effective from October 1 to De...
Finance : Discover the latest interest rates for Small Savings Schemes for April-June and July-September 2024. Get detailed insights and com...
Finance : Read about the official memorandum from the Ministry of Finance on small savings schemes interest rates for the first quarter of F...
Finance : Explore SB Order No. 23/2023 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Communications, on the revision of interest rates for ...
By now, you might have already submitted investment proofs to your company’s finance department to claim a tax deduction. However, if you have been running behind date, here are some useful tips to save your hard-earned money and taxes before the D-day.
Article discusses Rate of Interest, Limit of Investment and Income Tax Benefit from Investment in 8 Most Popular Tax Saving Instruments in India i.e. 1,2,3 and 5 year Time Deposit, 5 Year National Savings Certificates VIII Issue (NSC), 5 Year Post office Recurring Deposit(RD), 15 year Public Provident Fund (PPF), Post office Saving Bank Account, […]
Senior citizens do not have any active income and ability to earn post their retirement, they thus depend on the interest income and cannot take any risk with their money. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS) is one of the avenue which gives better returns than other products and is perfectly safe. Let us discuss. Who […]
Government has notified new Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme, 2019 w.e.f. 12th December, 2019 vide notification No. G.S.R. 916(E). Article explains Opening of account under Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme, 2019, Deposit under Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme, 2019, Interest on deposit under Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme, 2019, Premature closure of account under Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme, 2019, […]
An individual fulfilling the following conditions may open Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme account by making an application in Form-1 to the accounts office (i) who has attained the age of sixty years on the date of opening of the account; or
Central Government rescinds rules, namely The Post Office Savings Account Rules, 1981, The National Savings Time Deposit Rules, 1981, National Savings Recurring Deposit Rules, 1981, National Savings (Monthly Income Account) Rules, 1987, National Savings Certificate (VIII Issue) Rules, 1989, Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004, Kisan Vikas Patra Rules, 2014 and Sukanya Samriddhi Account Rules, […]
These rules may be called the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (Amendment) Rules, 2019. They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of July, 2019.
1) The Income Tax Act identifies a senior citizen as a person who is 65 years of age or more at any time during the previous year. It provides for special benefits for such persons.2) As per the IT Act, senior citizens who have an income up to Rs
As we progress in life, our goals and milestones are modified. Not only have we changed the way we live but we also change our perception of the future. Our life’s goals include factors such as travelling, medical benefits, financial independence and zero liabilities.
As the end of financial year draws near, many of my friends who were least bothered about tax saving investments throughout the year, have started hunting down options to park their surplus funds and consequently save up on taxes.