Income Tax : Learn about unexplained cash credits under Section 68, tax implications, key legal cases, and compliance requirements to avoid pen...
Income Tax : Understand the applicability of Section 68 (cash credit) and Section 69 (unexplained investments) under the Income Tax Act with re...
Income Tax : The Sections by which the assessees are suffering too much due to high pitched assessments passed by NFAC are from 68 to 69D and 1...
Income Tax : Recent Chennai ITAT decisions address unexplained income, underreporting, and penalties under Sections 69A, 68, 270A, and 271. Key...
Income Tax : Learn about penalty provisions under the IT Act, including penalties for defaults in tax payment, income reporting, and more. Key ...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore reverses addition of ₹12 lakh under Section 68, accepting sales as the source of cash deposits made during demone...
Income Tax : ITAT Raipur held that penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act justifiable since no plausible explanation provided fo...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that when the sale consideration as per conveyance deed and circle rates are different, matter must be referred to...
Income Tax : ITAT Jaipur held that addition of the amount already recorded as cash sales cannot be treated as unexplained cash deposits under s...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that addition, treating share application money as unexplained income, based on surmises and conjectures witho...
Income Tax : Assessing Officers should follow the sequence as noted below for applying provisions of section 68 of the Act: Step 1: Whether the...
Hindon Forge Vs DCIT (ITAT Delhi) It is not in dispute that assessee filed confirmation of all the creditors supported by their computation of income, acknowledgment of filing of the returns, copy of the balance-sheet, copy of the ledger account of the assessee in their books and bank statements. Copies of the same are also […]
Carissa Investment (P) Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) In this case assessee-company has been able to prove that both the creditors have availability of sufficient funds to give loan to the assessee-company in assessment year under appeal. Merely because income was low declared by both the creditors, is no ground to make the impugned addition […]
Since section 44AD did not obligate assessee to maintain books, the provisions of section 68 could not be invoked where assessee had filed return of income under the provisions of section 44AD without maintaining books of account.
Sheela Yogi Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Once the summons have been issued and these persons have appeared and given their statements before the AO wherein they have confirmed that they have advanced the amount to the assessee towards purchase of the agricultural land and has also disclosed the source of their earnings/savings, the assessee has […]
It was found that assessee confirmed loan transactions and confirmation was on record. Revenue nowhere considered said documents and rejected claim of assessee without any basis. Rejection of claim of assessee without any basis was not justified. Issue was restored back to AO to decide it afresh after giving an opportunity of being heard to assessee.
Vishan Swaroop Gupta Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Credit in the ‘bank account’ of an assessee cannot be construed as a credit in the ‘books’ of the assessee as per section 68 of Income Tax Act, 1961. We observe that credit in the ‘bank account’ of an assessee cannot be construed as a credit in the […]
Supreme Concrete & Infrastructure Pvt Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Cuttack) It is admitted position that the loan from Sinclair Builders Pvt Ltd., has been obtained by account payee cheque. Confirmation, copy of account as well as the bank statement of the creditor has also been furnished. The assessee has also deducted TDS on the interest […]
Assessing Officer is not obliged to invoke Section 68/s.69 of the Act in every case where the explanation offered is found to be ‘unsatisfactory’ in the opinion of the Assessing Officer.
In the instant case, the AO had proceeded predominantly on the basis of the analysis of the financials of M/s Gold Line International Finvest Limited. His conclusion and findings against the Respondent are chiefly on the strength of the astounding 4849.2% jump in share prices of the aforesaid company within a span of two years, which is not supported by the financials.
In the absence of any link between the assessee and the alleged admissions of the directors and brokers, human probability is being used as a vague and convenient medium for the department’s conjectures. No addition can be made on the basis of surmises, suspicion and conjectures. The burden of proving a transaction to be bogus has to be strictly discharged by adducing legal evidences, which would directly prove the fact of bogusness or establish circumstance unerringly and reasonably raising an interference to that effect.