Income Tax : Learn about disallowed expenses under PGBP in India's Income Tax Act. Understand key sections like 37, 40, and 40A, and their impa...
Income Tax : Learn about disallowances under Income Tax Act sections and their reporting requirements in Form 3CD during tax audits. Key provis...
Income Tax : Delhi HC rules reimbursements to NRAEs not subject to TDS as "fees for technical services," clarifying scope of Section 9(1)(vii) ...
Income Tax : Explore allowable tax deductions for AY 2025-26, covering salaries, house property, business, and personal expenses. Maximize your...
Income Tax : Explore crucial issues in income tax practices, including Section 44AD, TDS obligations, LTCG exemptions, cash deposits, and tax d...
Income Tax : Section 40(a)(ia) is amended via Finance (No. 2) Act, 2014 to restrict the amount of disallowance for non-deduction of tax to 30% ...
Income Tax : The existing provisions of section 40(a)(ia) of Income-tax Act provide for the disallowance of expenditure like interest, commissi...
Income Tax : ITAT Raipur held that penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act justifiable since no plausible explanation provided fo...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reopening of an assessment under section 147 of the Income Tax Act merely on the basis of communication...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could not be invoked when cash is sourced out of recorded s...
Income Tax : Claim of the assessee for deduction for education cess was on a bonafide belief that it was allowable expenditure u/s. 37(1) and h...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that when the cash is sourced out of recorded sales, the provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could n...
Income Tax : Circular No. 3/2015 Section 40(a)(i) of the Act stipulates that in computing the income chargeable under the head "Profits or gain...
Income Tax : Sub: Deduction of tax at source under Section 195 read with Sections 201 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 relating to payment made to a...
Income Tax : Circular No. 10/DV/2013-Income Tax It has been brought to the notice of the Board that there are conflicting interpretations by j...
A.Y. Garment International Private Ltd. Vs DCIT (Karnatka High Court) Whether the Tribunal was justified in law in holding that the amendment made by Finance Act, 2010 in the provisions of Section 40(a)(ia) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 is not retrospective in operation on the facts and circumstances of the case? The issue whether the […]
C.U.Inspections (I) Pvt. Ltd Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) Mere fact that the payment in question is not reimbursement of expenses to the holding company would not per se expose the expenditure to disallowance u/s 40(a)(ia) of the Act. It has been noticed supra that the disallowance u/s 40(a)(ia) is activated when there is failure on […]
Muradul Haque Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) Finance (No.2) Act has made amendment to section 40(a)(ia) of the Act w.e.f. 01.04.2015. Various benches of the Tribunals including the Delhi Benches of the Tribunal, have held the amendment made by Finance (No 2) Act to be curative in nature. We further finds the coordinate bench of the […]
The issue under consideration is whether A.O. is correct in disallowing the expense of retainership debited in P & L on the basis of non deduction of TDS u/s 194C when the Same was shown as salary by recipient in their Income Tax return?
The disallowance of the expenditure u/s 40(a)(ia) would automatically enhance the taxable income of the assessee and the assessee is eligible for the deduction u/s 10A of the Income-tax Act on the enhanced income.
The issue under consideration is whether the disallowance made u/s 40(a)(ia) of the Act for non-deduction of tax at source from the payment made towards Harvesting charges is justified in law?
Section 194 C of the IT Act deals with deduction of tax at source when it comes to payment to contractors. In the present case, since neither the Assessee nor M/s. Prabhu Construction can be styled as contractors, it is obvious that the provisions of Section 194C of the IT Act were not attracted. Hence Section 194C will not be invoked in this case and therefore consequently provision of sec 40(a)(ia) would also not applicable.
One of the most disputed arguments between assessee and income tax department is that whether payments made towards specified expenditure attracts disqualification u/s 40(a) (ia) and applicability of this section to provisions made at the year end and its implications. Following are the views expressed by the author in this respect. The assessee must prepare his books of accounts following the mercantile system of accounting. The same is also followed under section 145 of the Income tax act, 1961.
1. Prosecution etc. : U/s. 276B If a person deducts tax at source etc. but fails to pay the same to the credit of Central Government as prescribed, he can be sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than 3 months and extendable upon 7 years with fine as well. Moreover, u/s 276BB, similar punishment is provided for a person who fails to pay to the credit of Central Government taxes collected at source u/s. 206C being a seller of alcoholic liquor for human consumption, Tendu leaves, timber merchant, dealer in forest produce and dealer in scrap etc.
Under section 40(a)(ia) of the Act, in case of payments made to resident, the deductor is allowed to claim deduction for payments as expenditure in the previous year of payment, if tax is deducted during the previous year and the same is paid on or before the due date specified for filing of return of income under section 139(1) of the Act.