Income Tax : Simplified penalty timelines under Section 275 effective April 2025, including changes in penalty powers, omissions, and clarifica...
Income Tax : Income Tax Act amendments propose penalties by Assessing Officers instead of Joint Commissioners. Omission of section 271BB and ch...
Income Tax : Post-Finance Bill 2025, penalties under specified sections of the Income-tax Act will be levied by the Assessing Officer, with Joi...
Income Tax : a) Legal Measure Applicable to Receipt of Money i. Section 13A : Exemption for certain income of political parties No donation exc...
Income Tax : The applicability of the provisions of section 269SU to those business entities who do not receive payments from retail customers ...
Mandating acceptance of payments through prescribed electronic modes In order to achieve the mission of the Government to move towards a less cash economy to reduce generation and circulation of black money and to promote digital economy, it is proposed to insert a new section 269SU in the Act so as to provide that every […]