Income Tax : Understand Section 194-IA on TDS for property purchases. Learn tax deduction, rates, conditions, and compliance under the Income T...
Income Tax : Learn about TDS on property purchase under Section 194IA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Get insights on requirements, payment proces...
Income Tax : Learn about Section 194 IA for TDS on property transfers: applicability, rates, responsibilities, exemptions, and penalties....
Income Tax : Understand TDS on immovable property transactions. Section 194-IA mandates TDS deduction at 1% for sale consideration exceeding Rs...
Income Tax : "Discover a step-by-step guide to file TDS on property sale with Form 26QB. From filling the form to downloading Form 16B, simplif...
Income Tax : From October 2024, TDS under section 194-IA will apply based on total consideration for property sales, not individual payments. U...
Income Tax : It has been observed that deductors are wrongly entering the tax amount deducted on sale of property in 'interest' or 'others' or ...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that addition towards section 68 of the Income Tax Act deleted as assessee discharged initial onus by proving ide...
Income Tax : CBDT had issued instructions/notification for examining the specific cases regarding cash deposits during the demonetisation perio...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that denial of exemption under section 54 of the Income Tax Act unjustified as appellant cannot be penalized for ...
Corporate Law : NCLT Ahmedabad held that the amount of TDS deducted under section 194-IA on assets sold during the process of liquidation should b...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai's ruling in Smt. Nagappan Suganthi Vs ACIT. Non-consideration of evidence on deduction claim u/s 54B and capital gain...
Income Tax : Central Government hereby specifies that no TDS shall be deducted under section 194-IA of Income Tax Act on any payment made to ...
Income Tax : Every person responsible for deduction of tax under section 194-IB shall furnish the certificate of deduction of tax at source in ...
Income Tax : CBDT has vide notification No. 45/2017 notified that claim for refund of TDS paid can be furnished by the deductor in Form 26B ...
Income Tax : Due date of filing statement for deduction of tax at source (TDS) on Sale of Property u/s 194-IA has been extended to 30 days from...
Income Tax : 26C. Furnishing of evidence of claims by employee for deduction of tax under section 192.- (1) The assessee shall furnish to the p...
Deposit of Tax deducted and Demand for TDS Defaults with respect to Purchase of Immovable Property (26QB Statement-cum-challan) Here is a important tips, for the convenience of Taxpayers, who have executed any transaction for Purchase of Immovable Property exceeding Rs. 50 Lakhs (Rupees Fifty Lakhs). Please take note of the following key details for Payments […]
As per the information received in Annual Information return (AIR) through Registrar/Sub-registrar, you have executed transaction for Purchase of Immovable Property exceeding Rs. 50 Lakhs (Rupees Fifty Lakhs) during Financial Year. However TDS Statement in Form 26QB has not yet been filed by you. In this regard, your urgent attention is invited to the following, […]
In this article, I am going to explain TDS liability on sale of property, when you become liable to deduct TDS and after deduction how to deposit TDS to Government. Applicable Provision- Section 194IA of Income Tax 1961 specify the TDS on sale of Immovable property other than agriculture land if it exceeds or equal […]
Q1: What are the various types of defaults that may get generated on 26QB processing? Ans: Following are the types of Defaults that may get generated on 26QB processing:—1) Short Deduction: Short deduction is computed when the rate at which TDS Deducted is less than 1%.
As per the Income Tax Act, tax must be deducted at source by the buyer of a property from payments made to a seller who is resident in India. TDS must be deducted on sale of all types of property, except where the property sold is an agricultural land. TDS is applicable when receipts are of more than Rs 50 lakh.
Sec 194-IA deals with TDS on sale of immovable property. Under this section TDS is to be deducted @1% on sale of immovable property at the time of credit of such sum to the account of the transferor or at the time of payment of such sum whichever is earlier.
As we all aware that Form 26QB has to be file to comply with TDS section 194-IA. Various instances are seen were some or other attribute of Form 26QB is wrongly mentioned and credit of TDS deducted is not reflected in Form 26AS. Earlier online correction facility is not available hence to correct any mistake […]
It is essential to note that in case of purchase of property, the buyer is responsible for deducting the applicable tax at source (i.e. TDS) and deposit the same with the Government. Since the buyer is required to deduct the TDS, he would obviously be required to fulfil all the relevant compliance like TDS payment; […]
The due dates for filing quarterly TDS statements are as follows: 1. Quarter ending of the financial year If deductor is an office of government In case of non-government deductor 2. 30th June 31st July of the financial year 15th July of the financial year
Facility to make payment of demand raised by CPC-TDS against TDS on Sale of Property Facility to make payment of demand raised by CPC-TDS against TDS on Sale of Property has been enabled. To Pay Such Demand Please click on the URL below