Income Tax : Clarification in respect of disallowance under section 14A in absence of any exempt income during an assessment year Section 14A o...
Income Tax : The issue before the Hon’ble Supreme Court (SC) was whether section 14A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) enables the Depart...
Income Tax : The ever debatable ‘Disallowance under section 14A’ (read with Rule 8D (2) now has again found a different horizon whe...
Income Tax : No applicability of section 14A on exemption of Rs.1,00,000/- (One Lakh) Long Term Capital Gain (LTCG) under Section 112A of Incom...
Income Tax : Section 14A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’) provides that no deduction shall be allowed of any expenditure incurred in...
Income Tax : The mechanical disallowance u/s 14A r.w. Rule 8D is also being added to the book profit by the AO irrespective of the fact whethe...
Income Tax : As earlier intimated to you, Writ Petition bearing No. 50 of 2010 (Indian Exporters Grievances Forum & Other vs. CIT) challenging ...
Income Tax : Explanation to Section 14A has only a prospective effect from April 1, 2022, and cannot be retrospectively applied to earlier asse...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules 14A amendment is prospective. No disallowance if no exempt income earned, upholding Delhi HC's Era Infrastructur...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi remanded the issue back to file of AO to re-compute disallowance under rule 8D(2)(ii) of the Income Tax Act by taking t...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that disallowance under rule 8D(2)(ii) r.w.s. 14A of the Income Tax Rules should be made on average value of inve...
Income Tax : The ITAT Mumbai dismissed the Revenue’s plea on Section 14A disallowance, ruling that the amendment introduced in Finance Act 20...
Income Tax : Circular No. 5/2014-Income Tax Central Board of Direct Taxes, in exercise of its powers under section 119 of the Act hereby clari...
Income Tax : INCOME TAX NOTIFICATION NO-45/2008, DT: March 24, 2008 Method for determining amount of expenditure in relation to income not incl...
Circular No. 5/2014-Income Tax Central Board of Direct Taxes, in exercise of its powers under section 119 of the Act hereby clarifies that Rule 8D read with section 14A of the Act provides for disallowance of the expenditure even where taxpayer in a particular year has not earned any exempt income.
These appeals by the Revenue relates to Assessment Year 2001-02. The respondent-assessee, as noticed above, namely, Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) Limited, had filed return of income on 31st October, 2001 declaring „nil‟income after setting for brought forward losses and depreciation.
We find that the assessee has made payment on or before the due date of filing of return u/s. 139(1) of the Act and this issue is squarely covered by the decision of Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court in the case of Vijay Shree Limited, supra, wherein Hon’ble Calcutta High Court has held as under
The issue of revenue’s appeal is that the CIT(A) has wrongly deleted the disallowance made by AO under Rule 8D(2)(ii) of the Rules at Rs.55,47,700/-. Here the assessee before the lower authorities and even before us explained that out of the total interest payment of Rs.97,22,656/-, the interest aggregating to Rs. 92,69,529/- was paid to Brila Global Finance Co. Ltd.,
In this case, assessee has earned by way of dividends a sum of Rs.5,45,58,685/-, which is exempt u/s 10(38) of the Act and thus the same does not form part of the total income under the Act. In the computation of income, assessee having regard to section 14A of the Act
It was held had held that Disallowance u/s 14A for the period before AY 2008-09 i.e pre-Rule 8D period, should be restricted to 2% of the dividend income. Shakuntaladevi Trade & Investments Pvt. Ltd. Vs. ITO (ITAT Mumbai)
In this case only interest of Rs 2,96,731/- was paid on funds utilized for making investments on which exempted income was receivable. Further it was observed that in respect of investment of Rs. 6,07,775,000/- made in subsidiary companies , they are attributable to commercial expediency, because as per submission made by the assessee,
From the above discussion, it transpires that the objective satisfaction of the AO as to the correctness of the assessee’s claim was not recorded in the instant case. However, even if Rule 8D cannot be applied, the AO is obliged to ascertain the expenditure which had been incurred to earn the tax-free income.
During the year only an amount of 4 lakh was invested out of the total investment of 3.39 crores. In the earlier years the assessment of the assessee were completed u/s 143(3) and the AO did not make any disallowance u/s 14A. The term loan taken by the assessee was for specific purposes and it cannot be alleged without proof that the term loan granted by the bank for specific purposes,
Assessee-company is a dealer and trader in shares and securities. Its various business segments are: Futures & Options (F&O) in shares and securities, shares transactions in the cash and derivative markets, speculation business therein (the above classifications may bear some overlapping).