Goods and Services Tax : Learn about Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) under GST, its applicable goods/services, suppliers, recipients, and GST rates. Stay up...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) under GST, including applicable services and conditions for recipients to pay tax....
CA, CS, CMA : Proposals to ease GST Reverse Charge Mechanism and TCS compliance. Updates to RCM services and TCS changes on advances can simplif...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand GST provisions for residential and commercial property renting, including RCM applicability, tax rates, and input tax c...
Goods and Services Tax : Starting November 1, 2024, self-invoicing is mandatory for RCM transactions. Delays in issuance may lead to loss of ITC and penalt...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the key recommendations made by the GST Council during its 54th meeting, including changes in GST rates, GoM formations, a...
Goods and Services Tax : Advocates' Tax Bar Association urges the Finance Minister to abolish Reverse Charge Mechanism for registered dealers, citing burde...
Goods and Services Tax : Maharashtra Tax Practitioners’ Association has made a representation on Confusion related to Levy of GST under RCM on Reside...
Goods and Services Tax : उपरोक्त विषय में निवेदन है कि इस समय माइनिंग इंडस...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC issues 43 notifications on 30th September 2019 to give effect to Recommendations made by GST Council in its 37th Meeting. Mos...
Goods and Services Tax : Rajasthan GST AAR clarifies GST payment on corporate guarantees issued by foreign entities under reverse charge mechanism as one-t...
Service Tax : CESTAT Bangalore held that that service tax on commission paid to foreign commission agents is payable under reverse charge only ...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the implications of GST AAR Tamilnadu Order No. 04/ARA/2024 dated 28.03.2024 on the taxation of ocean and air export freig...
Goods and Services Tax : Rajasthan HC dismisses petition challenging GST demand on exhibition services. Detailed analysis of the legal arguments and court'...
Goods and Services Tax : Punjab & Haryana HC grants stay on GST demand of Rs. 20.46 Cr on Mitsubishi Electric for seconded employees' salaries, citing Apex...
Goods and Services Tax : Government of India corrects any property to any immovable property in Union Territory Tax Rate Notification issued on October 8, ...
Goods and Services Tax : The Ministry of Finance issued a corrigendum to Notification No. 09/2024, clarifying any property to any immovable property....
Goods and Services Tax : The Government of India corrects the phrase any property to any immovable property in the recent Central Tax Rate Notification....
Goods and Services Tax : The Ministry of Finance amends GST notification, exempting metal scrap suppliers from provisions of notification No. 5/2017-Centra...
Goods and Services Tax : Notification No. 06/2024 updates reverse charge mechanism for metal scrap transactions, applicable from 10th October 2024....
SC held that GST Council’s recommendations are not binding on Centre and states and have only persuasive value, Apex Court also strike down IGST levy on ocean freight under RCM
In re Singareni Collieries Company Limited (GST AAR Telangana) Q1. Whether, in the facts and circumstances of the case, the Applicant is obliged to pay GST on the forest permit fee paid by it under reverse charge mechanism? A1. Yes, GST is payable on forest permit fee on reverse charge basis. Q2. Alternatively, if GST […]
Learn about the recent Supreme Court judgment on GST under RCM on ocean freight. Understand the issue and questions of law raised and decided.
Brose India Automotive Systems Pvt. Ltd. Vs Commissioner of CGST & Central Excise (CESTAT Mumbai) Denial to avail CENVAT credit on Service Tax paid during GST regime under Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) on import of services by the Appellant manufacturing company and its confirmation by the Commissioner of Central Tax (Appeals-I), Pune vide above referred […]
Understand the applicability of Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) on the commission charged on global sales by E-marketplaces websites under GST.
उपरोक्त विषय में निवेदन है कि इस समय माइनिंग इंडस्ट्री पर RCM = REVERSE CHARGE MECHNISM, जो कि उनके द्वारा राज्य सरकार को भुगतान की गई रॉयल्टी से सम्बंधित है, के भुगतान के सम्बन्ध में जीएसटी विभाग से नोटिस भी आ रहें है और भुगतान के लिए दबाव भी बनाया जा रहा है जो कि विभागीय कार्यवाही का हिस्सा है|
In case of normal taxable supply, supplier issues tax invoice to recipient and receives the amount from recipient along with GST and then discharge his GST liability to the Govt. It is referred to as ‘forward Charge’. In ‘reverse charge’ supplier shall not charge GST on invoice and receives the amount from recipient without GST.
The Honorable Madras High Court allowed Credit of Service Tax Paid under RCM which could not be availed as Transitional Credit under GST following the Principle of Doctrine of Necessity.
CESTAT Ahmedabad rules in favor of Aquamarine Exports, stating no service tax liability on commission deducted from export invoices.
In re Maanicare System India Private Limited (GST AAR Maharashtra) Question: – Whether the Applicant (Maanicare System India Private Limited) is eligible to take input tax credit on GST paid under Reverse Charge Mechanism @ 5% for hiring of buses for transportation of employees? Answer:- In the affirmative but only with effect from 01/12/2019. Section […]