Income Tax : An assessee's tax incidence is determined by his residential status. For example, an individual's residential status in India dete...
Income Tax : Learn how residential status affects tax liability under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Understand ROR, RNOR, and NR classifications an...
Income Tax : Understand the differences in residential status under the Income Tax Act and FEMA for Indians working abroad. Know tax implicatio...
Income Tax : Learn how to determine the residential status for individual taxpayers in India under Income Tax Act 1961, including ROR, RNOR, an...
Income Tax : Learn how residential status affects income tax liability in India. Understand the classifications and criteria for residents and ...
Income Tax : Section 5- Scope of income – Income Tax Act, 1961 5. [1] the total income of any previous year of a person who is a resident...
Income Tax : Following is the summary of Suggestion /representation on behalf of the taxpayers/professionals in connection with the Direct tax ...
Income Tax : Mumbai ITAT rules in favor of assessee in residential status dispute. Case details of ACIT vs. Nishant Kanodia for AY 2013-14. Com...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) is statutorily the only evidence required to be eligible for the benefit unde...
Income Tax : Narayanan Subramaniam Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) Controversy involved is primarily with regard to question if the assessee had non-res...
Income Tax : Explore the residency dispute in Smt. Kamla vs Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Detailed analysis of the court view on residency criteria...
Income Tax : OECD as well as most of the countries have clarified that in view of the provisions of the domestic income tax law read with the D...
RESIDENTIAL STATUS OF AN INDIVIDUAL Resident Indian Citizen or person of Indian Origin – Stay in India for 182 days or more during the relevant year OR – Stay in India for 120 days or more during the relevant year and 365 days or more during the preceding four years – Total Income other than […]
Finance Act, 2020 has amended section 6 to insert new sub-clause (1A) with an intention to bring into tax net the persons who are not liable to pay tax in any country due to their domicile or residency or any other criteria of similar nature. The newly inserted clause reads as under: “(1A) Notwithstanding anything […]
The Finance Bill 2020 has been passed by the Parliament with some major relaxations on March 23, 2020. At the stage of passing of the Bill, there have been amendments made which would directly impact the Non Resident Individual community w.e.f 01st April, 2020. The Article here explains the concept of Residential status, deemed Resident, […]
The Finance Act, 2020 made several amendments in the provisions of the section 6 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) with aim to bring the stateless person (an individual who is citizen of India and having income other than foreign source more than Rs. 15 Lakhs) in tax net of the India.
The author has made an attempt to discuss each amendment made under section 6 of the Act in a tabular format, so that it is easy for the readers to understand the difference between the provisions as per the erstwhile law, the provisions proposed by the Finance Bill, 2020 and the amended law as mentioned in Finance Act, 2020:
Introduction With the recent amendment by Finance Act 2020 in residential status provisions, NRIs are looking for possible understanding. It is crucial to understand the same as taxability of any income in the hands of an individual depends on the below criteria:- – Residential Status of the individual as per the Income tax act and […]
1. The conditions to be called as an Indian RESIDENT or NON RESIDENT are: An individual is said to be resident in India in any previous year, if he— (a) is in India in that year for a period 182 days or more or Or, (b) Staying in India for 60 days in last financial […]
What is chargeable to tax is only Income. Naturally whatever qualifies as income under section 2(24) , shall be taxed as per the applicable tax rates under the income tax act. A key tangent to decide whether the income earned is taxable in India, is the residential status of the person who is receiving the […]
In this article, I have covered the need and relaxations provided by the Central Government on Residential Status in Circular no. 11 dated May 8, 2020. As per the provisions of section 6 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 ‘period of stay’ of an individual is used to determine the residential status of individual taxpayers. Ordinarily, […]
Recent clarification issued by CBDT – Lockdown time period will not be counted in the determination of residential status of NRIs for the FY 2019-20 Considering the impact of Covid 19 and amidst the situation of lockdown and suspension of international flights CBDT has recently issued Circular No 11 of 2020 dated 8 May 2020 […]